
If you watch the video, you’ll see that he’s modified it for nitrous, hence the higher RPM. Fuckin’ race bike.

The coffee snob in me needs one of those fantastic coffee makers.

It’s just a sounds you make with your mouth. Pushing air out of your lungs past your vocal cords in a particular way doesn’t cause you to have certain beliefs on an issue.


So when I jokingly call my gay friend a fag I’m being a homophobe? Even though he laughs and then tells me to shut the fuck up?

But that thought in itself is almost racist. Saying that someone who has a flag must be X (Racist) else is no different then saying someone is this color and therefore is X(whatever negative thing you can think of)

It has no other relevant use than as a homophobic term

If in your mind taking a stand against Big PC makes me a racist, then you’re free to voice any number of opinions that I won’t give a shit about. I mean no condescension, but this really is a maturity thing. Supporting PC culture is childish, simplistic, and really fucking wrong, because context and intent are

You’re fitting into the PC News Speak culture. If someone says fag, it most certainly does not mean it has an anti homophobic slander to it.

I bitched about the state of the PC union over on Gizmodo and got called “a Racist Bigot” - All because I said “Im sick of everything having to be so politically correct or else you get ripped on” or something to that effect.

This, so much this!

“Holy hell, this bastard’s a Nazi sympathizer / racist / anti-Semitic / terrorist / redneck!”

“Hottest new car”


Needs more roll bar.

Race cars don’t have air bags. Their drivers seem protected enough.

All the action in this video is vertical, so portrait works much better than landscape.

Not sure this unspoken rule exists in journalism, but in my world as a graphic designer it is never wise to trash-talk other designers. You never know who you might be working with or for in the future.

It’s a real shame how Buzzfeed has transformed from a total waste of time full of garbage to a trusted Media Outlet without any change in content.

Serious question: Why would you read anything from BuzzFeed?

Occurrences are far less now than when I was a kid, yet worries about it are so much higher. Americans have a really hard time with priorities when thinking about safety.