No, your not alone. I rarely come here anymore because of things like this
No, your not alone. I rarely come here anymore because of things like this
It’s business and we’re customers, we can whine so they get some feedback and adjust their content according to that feedback, that’s how business work idiot, if you don’t like something fucking complain and be loud about it.
It’s not simple when you’ve been a reader for years and you care about the site like in my case. Yeah they can talk about a President’s anus in a car site about cars but I think it’s reasonable for me to be a little annoyed.
It’s all gringos in boats, same thing
I’m missing the point here, a bunch of people reacted to a tweet and you’re using that to critisize the author? that doesn’t make any sense I’m sure there are a bunch of serial killers reading jalopnik from time to time, does this makes torchinsky a bad person?? (is that guy still around? I haven’t been here for a…
are you living under a rock? if you’re white you’re a nazi, it’s pretty standar these days.
so brave
its a way to talk about jewish people without saying jew
Yeah that’s pretty much it. It’s happening right now in South America, there was a big left leaning movement over the last 10 years, now it’s going the other way. I guess it happens everywhere
eve she didn’t see a problem with it, but you know how it is, if you don’t get offended by something someone is going to get offended in your behalf
So she didn’t care about it but you are offended in her behalf and ask us not to ask her because it’s an offensive question to you?
Wrong, the title clearly says women weren’t allowed to make music until recently, quick, name any woman singer from the 80's or 90's! you can’t because they weren’t any. Well bono wants to go back to that.
He didn’t say “let women”, the author throw that in. Women have always been very strong in the music business and some of the most legendary musicians out there are women. Typical male driven site putting women down, shame on you Rebecca.
Not me
If another black person wants to use the word, then that is their prerogative
If another black person wants to use the word, then that is their prerogative
white people ALL OVER THE WORLD want to say the n-word as if it is going out of fashion.
There was one for sale near my house a year ago, it was so sad because it was probably the rarest car in the country, I’ve never seen one and they were never sold here, and yet nobody noticed it.
Yeah, it’s too much for our technology, think we’re at least 200 years away from real AI, but when it gets here it’s absurd to think it’s not going to take over. AI trying to communicate with us will be like us trying to talk to ants.
But that’s the idea of having a treadmill, keeping the plane stationary. That’s what the mythbusters were trying to do as far as I can remember