Someone from pirelli said in SkyF1 they didn’t do it because they had special hats in russia and they don’t like to do it too often. I guess mexico was coming so three special hats in a row was too much
Someone from pirelli said in SkyF1 they didn’t do it because they had special hats in russia and they don’t like to do it too often. I guess mexico was coming so three special hats in a row was too much
I was wondering the same thing, looks like his house.
That’s an awful fake name, put some effort into it damn it!
That’s a great looking car.
Well isn’t that a cool kinja trick!
We have offensive words, just not THAT offensive or that would case such a big reaction. There’s some racism here, but it takes more than a word to acuse someone of being racist. I’m in a non-homogenous South American country, I think I know what’s happening around here.
I’m saying I wouldn’t judge someone for using them if the context in wich they are said don’t have a racist message or a hate message. The word by itself isn’t a point of view or a message or a philosophy, it’s just a word. It’s a cultural thing, having a word with so much power that can insult a whole race and…
No death traps and sprinklers? no fun!
I’d have wipeout style traps and speakers playing mario kart music.
As a kid I loved it, years later I saw the movie and was like “really??”, a criminal tells you “you know I don’t belong in jail man, I’m a free spirit” and you let him go after he caused the death of a couple of his friends and your partner? after years of not working and living a great life ilegally he deserves the…
He gets killed in the airport scene, poor Pappas..
Yeah but Bodhi was too cool and zen to care about dying, man.
I do love that movie, after all he’s a surfing F.B.I. AGENT!!!
Worst ending ever:
- I know I killed your partner, kidnapped your girlfriend, killed some guy on a bank and rob a lot of money from innocent people, but please, before you take me to jail, let me make my biggest dream come true and never go to jail.
- Ok
Of course it has other uses, some people use it as weak or coward, a word can’t be homophobic, a phrase can.
So having something against homosexuals is not a requirement to be homophobic?
But more than using a word or a symbol, being racist requires you to have something against another race. the use of a word (not even a phrase!) can’t give you enough arguments for acusing someone...
A flag can make you racist? and not having a black person in a movie makes it racist? And saying nigger makes me racist? you’re a crazy society US people, haven’t seen anything like it anywhere else.
The rule is no sliding door, no minivan
I don’t think that’s the hottest car in the world right now. I’m not sure I know anybody that knows Tesla is a car brand, if I do it can’t be more than 2 or 3 people.
I’m all about the numbers.