
$2,00/gallon premium, regular $1.48/gallon (diesel is around the same as regular, just a little cheaper) in Quito. It's cheap, but cars are really expensive

So am I the only one who likes this thing?? the front half looks better than any modern merc bentley or rolls. The only problem is the rear doorhandle position.

How can that guy hold his phone with that airbag exploding in his face??
I'll say it again, I'm scared of airbags.

Well for one thing he has driven thousands of cars and review them, so he should know what he's talking about. Also he usually has no problem saying something sucks, so I usually trust his opinion.

You bastard!

Make them optional.
I am afraid of airbags, I really am. I know is stupid but there's two explosives in my dash and I don't like it, I never have. I feel in an accident they could blow up in my face, and there's no denying that sounds really dangerous.

Defender 110, these are rare around here and really REALLY expensive (around 100K), and even though it's a beautiful thing to behold (I love the looks) the ride is terrible, the interior is just metal and welding, no interior panels, just raw british racing green metal and some wood (felt like wood) for the dash. the

Now playing

I think this important piece of information is relevant for this post.

One yatch William? there are seven seas you know, seven!

Yeah but is on the main timeline. Usually I just move on, but I though maybe I'm not the only one with this opinion and the editor should know about it. Anyway, message is send and I wont bother you people with this anymore.

I do usually, but I've been seing these post more frequently and I wanted to say something about it. FA should be a site on its own.

I really don't like this killing people posts on the main timeline. I know all this war and people killing business is jus business for you US people, and I have no problem with that, but I don't like to see it on a car site. I know is technology and that has a place in jalopnik, but I think the murdering people tech

That's it, take us all global warming, we deserve to die.

I see what you say, it is misleading. This is a car running on salt water, shame on you torchinsky

they need that sound from the jetsons flying car..

Damn apple, you know they're gonna ask extra $$$ for the kitt funcionality a couple of months later...

If someone buys this to use it as a pickup truck to carry things on the bed I'm sure this could be very useful, just like a G-wagon could be very useful if you take it off road...

The slogan should be "buy a fucking Fiat"

I think that's it, just like a helicopter the f35 has the amazing ability of landing on any helicopter pad long as it's in the ground and surrounded by nothing.

The stig is made of teflon, he doesn't get wet.