Sebastian Hassinger

Is no-one going to talk about the last 15 minutes of the set when C.K. basically came out as gay? It was amazing when I saw him live at the beginning of this cycle in SF last year and it was amazing on this special. You can say whatever you want about this guy but he is extremely raw & honest about what his happening

CBS is doing a horrible job of distributing the show online - their streaming technology is horrible, and not having the show on Hulu is crippling. It takes extra effort outside my normal streaming activities to go see the show and as much as I love Colbert, that friction means I don't watch him as often as I

I believe the Dr. Seuss creatures were all make noises that sounded like "wubba-lubba-dub-dub"

Yeah I think you're probably not far off, but that to me is an indication of the requirements of narrative fiction - there has to be some resolution and in GoT it has to be either "Winter came. The end." or the triumphant return to the throne by the Targaryens. The former would probably make GRRM the most hated man in

I think the GoT books are best understood as GRRM's reaction to the sharp contrast between actual medieval history and the pre-pubescent wish fulfillment that passes for plotting in most fantasy literature. The motivating principle of the book is to betray the fantasy expectation for every character arc. Full stop.