I'm so, so, so confused as to the seeming ignorance of the gaming media here. Maybe it's because my main interest is politics that I have a certain detached view of this.
I'm so, so, so confused as to the seeming ignorance of the gaming media here. Maybe it's because my main interest is politics that I have a certain detached view of this.
Sick of boring ol' 2D animation, Dragon Ball Z studio Funimation decided to hire the funny folks at Mega64 to make a…
Videogames: the only art media that require you to actually be good at them.
In the clip, Heigl's character says, "The assessment is that he has less than 8 hours to live." Funny, I was thinking the same thing about this show.
umm you took two tries to try and make a funny... im the moran?
It actually is pretty complex. Describe the whole story to me, and lets see how long it is. I only played MGS 4 and MGS V, but as a writer, it's their responsibility to allow new players into the story, to understand what's going on. Metal Gear Solid IV's story was a mess, and V's is almost non existent. You don't use…
I'm guessing it had to be put on hold because the X1 version's Kinect functionality was resulting in injuries, as mere humans are not flexible enough to perform the Spider-Man-like actions it required.
Still just a Developper's kit, and no final product in sight. I see a lot of people complaining about Sony "stealing the market" with its own VR, but seriously, OR was kickstarted 2 years ago and we'll probably have to wait for 2015 to see the final product. It was obvious that some tech giant would come with its own…
For me, it's like songs. I can love a song, but eventually, if it's overdone, I get a bit tired of it.
I'm sorry, but I love this game and am addicted. Yeah it has some odd design choices, but it's gorgeous, atmospheric (especially at 2560x1080) and if you play true stealth, it's very rewarding.
You have to ask yourself the question:
Speaking of controllers I actually got the chance to hold an Xbox One controller today and I gotta say it feels... awkward. The most obvious change is that the battery pack is no longer jutting out but there was something else about it that I cant quite put my finger on that made it feel uncomfortable in my hands.
I still don't understand why he couldn't have sold the studio and kept it intact. Or keep owning it, while also starting another smaller studio while letting someone else run Irrational.
Am I missing something?
Plenty of things eat their own poop in real life. What does that say about the "real" god?
Fuck you.
Ok, going to say this once, since Nintendo came out publicly at their investor meeting and noted the WIi U as a failure. Not just because a lack of Third party games, but lack of overall vision on technology. Things such as PSN, XBOX-Live were not even on NIntendo's radar as thing's to look into for their Online…
This makes sense when you consider it's the only scenario where someone would choose Delta over Virgin America.