
These were an ugly mix of skeuomorphic (aka realistic) design melded with someone’s idea of what a fancy watch face might look like.

maybe because you edited out the context?

why the hell is Shuri, the smartest person in the MCU, emulating Tony Stark designs?

Holy shit, “public” transactions are viewable by anybody? I thought that word mean something completely different.

And every single cop is a socipathic piece of shit that prays to God every night that they get to kill someone.

I’m confused. Are you talking about the style of art or are you really comparing animation methods, techniques and technology from 1986 to 2018 and saying 2018 looks better because... obviously.

Whole shit was cheesy. Smoking cheerleader while doing cheerleading. Smashing that guys face into the plate of food while the footchase. It wanted to be a shitty Donnie Darko.

“The plates are also tethered to one another by a network of flexible fibers.”

Did you not read the captions?

Oh sure, you say that now but just wait for brainphones to come out next year.

“Bed of Nails” rule!

Good point - Sheploo is a joke, FemShep delivered actual drama to her performance.

Pretty sure they start each board metting with a chant of “Atleast we are not Konami!”

Fuck Mei.

I’m sorry you feel that way, I thought it was a fun movie to watch. Worst movie I ever saw was The Kings Speech, such trash.

I would just like to add to everyone commenting “you haven’t seen much” etc, that I have in fact seen very many movies, and Suicide Squad, with it’s editing choices and complete lack of cohesion is in fact the worst movie ever. From Will Smith not doing his bravado-cowboy schtick when it’s what the character called

You have 10 people following you. That’s not a lot. And I highly doubt you provide information that can’t be easily found elsewhere. You motivate people? Talk about a high horse dude, get off of it. I can’t believe you claim to do stuff like this then tell people to stop breathing your air. Clearly you do it for your

even I have to say that sounds awful... who would even program a fight like that? 3 actual days? They have to be pulling a leg there is no way that could actually be that long.

As a healer, I can only say that you will get no healing. Not once. Not ever. Trolling goes both ways, my friend.

Google the numbers if you can’t figure anything out. Most likely someone on your fireteam will know what binary is, hex is a bit different. Converting binary to decimal is converting a number system made of only 0 and 1 into what they would be if they were made of 0 through 9. 0=0, 1=1,10=2,11=3, and 100=4 and so on.