  • “Rule #1: Never pose beside a thin person. Especially if you’re wearing the same dress.”

Can someone recommended some normal amines that aren’t batshit crazy?

Why is it funny?

Lol at people saying, “I bought it, I can do what I want!”

Who mentioned anything about all damage and one healer?

Having to change heroes is a part of the game, and sorry but you must just not know how this game works if that’s what you think.

I told him that I don’t care, and that when people are being toxic, I do what I want. I never throw a match, because I have too much pride, but I will pick whoever I want despite cries of the meta or ‘die’ [from the] peanut gallery.

Of course it is. You communicate and connect with other people either by text or media. Seems like the very definition of social media.

So what if it’s unpleasant? Sometimes you’re going to have to hear unpleasant things in your life to learn a lesson.

God, it’s alarming that people don’t understand personal accountability when putting yourself out there like this. Obviously she doesn’t deserve what’s happening to her. But what happened to the idea of repercussions to one’s actions? You can’t just plaster your cleavage in front of a cam and not expect some guys to

Responsibility goes both ways. If you’re streaming naked, honestly, what do you expect? There’s nothing ridiculous about taking people’s instability into account when doing something like this.

Damn, sequels and reboots. Pretty nice games ya got there.

I love how you only responded to comments that didn’t expose the flaws in your logic.

In a slightly unrelated note, I can’t seem to find the new PvE mode on PS4. I have all the costumes and such, but it new mode doesn’t come up in the multiplayer settings.

I’ve lived in the city my whole life and have never had that problem.

While this article wasn’t extremely interesting, your comment is just straight assholery. Please go, happy to have that garbage out of here.

Pizzas come out so much better when they are smaller though.

Orrr.. maybe they are trying to teach him not to be an asshole?

What, you would prefer to have everything spoiled for you?

I miss being able to make annotations on pictures