
Yes! I’m super clumsy and it sucks balls because it’s hard to grasp how big I am. Are any other tall people here clumsy?

Hey man, keep doing what you’re doing. This quality of journalism is what makes you the best gaming site! I don’t care how late your reviews are. It’s always the review I lean on the most.

Thank you! People always say that they wish they were tall. Granted it does have it’s benefits, but having poor posture sucks ass. I get back pains all the time too.

I’m 6’2. Is that really a ridiculous height for me to be?


To be honest I don't think they give a crap about lore.

Yeah but those had shitty directors and actors attached to it.

Evie all the way. All ‘bout dat stealth.

This is a blog dude. Give it a rest. Giving one complaint is one thing. Replying to everybody with a superiority complex is another thing that nobody likes. Again, please stop pestering everybody. If you live in a bubble and complain and insult everyone around you, people are going to ask you to leave. So quit it,

Holy crap dude, you obviously have a problem with this site and its users. If you have such a problem, just go somewhere else and stop pestering everyone.

Jesus dude, you’re treating this like a political debate. Why do you give such a huge crap of these people’s expectations? Also, it’s kind of obvious that you’re deliberately using more complex words in your arguments to make yourself look smarter. Relax, man.

Can someone explain to me how to do the loop thing around the AT-AT’s?

What exactly is this game like?

Not exactly related, but Activision pretty much stole the design for the character in the header from Dan Luvisi. Guy makes many popular images that you see online.

It’s pretty easy to understand, not everyone is like you. People have different tastes.

So what? At the end of the day, it’s just a game, and if someone lets something like that piss them off to make remarks like he did, then that person really needs to set their priorities straight. Maybe get a girlfriend and go out and have some fun. Or at least get laid because that person certainly isn't.

I would assume that the iPad Pro is mostly for artists, like a wacom tablet. What’s wrong with that exactly?

“an cataclysmic event”

Missed? I still miss it. That game was so much fun back in the day. They should really do another one.

Man this just makes me miss Vanilla WoW so much. I loved those days. The whole sense of community is lost. It’s almost like the real world, in that now that there are so many people, nobody wants to get to know one another.