Sebastian Fazio


Loved the football scene, up until the ultra weird turn. It felt too outside the sketch - it went from being about excessive pre-game hype ups, to being some weird ninja/batman movie parody. All they had to do to end it was have a quick emotional change when things got too weird (which would've been around the

Hannibal's a show for me that I find WAY over-hyped. I mean, I watch it, and the last two episodes of season 2 were fantastic, but I could never get into it nearly as much as everyone could.

I was actually going to come here and complain about how 30 Rock season 1 didn't get reviewed, but I'm happy now.

I like how the previous article is "Will fear of television cancellations become a thing of the past?"

My favourite episode is still the clip show from season 3.

According to Sepinwall, the Jamm/Tammy stuff is going online tomorrow, in an extended producer's cut!

I'd consider Liz's mismatched twins an incredibly sweet, emotional moment, rather than a "joke", but that's a small nitpick

No, it's whole view on comedy/performance. It's like they've never been inside a comedy club before.

Okay, that "Comic Perversion" episode is probably one of the worst, ignorant episodes I've ever seen.

Okay, Anchorman 2 was incredible.

This was the best episode of the series. A+ for me. Dare I say, the reviewer is wrong?

They kind of already do that on their poster. It says something like "What's in his Head Will Blow Your Mind", and then it has the title.