Sebastian Howard

Don’t knock church youth groups. My parent never made me go to one but one of my friends in high school would get forced to go by his step dad so he started to ask me to go along as his guest.

I know you guys are working on the layout of the site, but it sure would be nice to have 1) letter grades visible before clicking into the article, and 2) the old list of recent episodes and their grades. I guess I didn’t realize how much I liked the layout of the old AV Club site, even though I was already very

AV Club going to Kinja is like my smart friend going to the country for the summer to spend time with his cousins and coming back wearing “overhauls” and chewing on a piece of straw and chortling “nyuk, nyuk” and “hee haw.”

Plus Hulk Hogan’s weiner.

Aha! Just click on “TV reviews”, then click on the dropdown with “categories” (because, reason!), then you can select a show and find old episodes. In a nice, confusing, unclear overview.

Of course not. Remember, the folks at A.V. Club swore up and down that they would preserve all comments in the transition to Kinja. Which, as we can all see, has been seamless and has completely silenced the naysayers . You’re obviously just lying or drunk.

Is making reviews impossible to find some kind of new, added bonus feature?

Yup it finally happened, the AV CLUB drank paint and thought this completely ugly disgusting new layout was something desirable to anyone. Great start guys!