
No, Biden doesn’t have it in the bag. Like the other centrist Democrats that have been the nominee this millennium, he will lose. Same as Gore, Kerry and Clinton. The difference is that this time, the Democrats have no one to blame but the voters of South Carolina, who picked the corpse of Joe Biden, who had been

Translation - MJ put his thumb on the players for the owners.

Of course no one FORCED the Republican Party to be more right wing - they were allowed to do so because the Democrats kept on trying to woo mythical “swing” voters on the right by becoming Republican-light. That’s why the only way a Democrat could win the White House under “Third Way” pragmatism was for Ross Perot to

Tell that to the FUCKING CENTRIST WING OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY.  Looking at you, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi.

This is what happens when you have decades of Democratic practical centrism that doesn’t win. Not only did you not get half a loaf by compromising on centrists, you also forced Republicans to be even more right wing and despotic.

Good luck.  I won’t vote for Republicans - so that means I have no one to vote for in this upcoming election.

Centrists lose.  That’s the problem.  And the only way Republicans can differentiate themselves from centrists is to go harder and harder right.  Every time the Democrats nominate a centrist, they guarantee that the nation as a whole goes further right in the Overton window.  It’s blindingly obvious to me, but hey,

That’s definitely some word salad, peppered with possible schizophrenia.

Those white folk are comfortable voting for Joe Biden, though - because he’s a nicer kind of racist.

But Joe Biden’s gonna solve it! /s

Civics lesson complete.

Centrists led to Trump’s rise in power because the Democrats kept nominating people as close to Republicans as possible - and losing.  Gore, Kerry, Hillary, now Biden.  The Republicans, to differentiate themselves from the Republican-light Democrats, got more and more reich wing and fascist.  Now you have Trump,

How “anarchist” of you to use a governmental system like the Postal Service to mail your vote for an election.  Simp.

The Electoral College happens to be the rules of the game.  You don’t care about winning - you care about making a point.  That’s why Trump is currently your President.  Keep nominating centrists - that’s totally worked out this entire fucking millennium.

Yup.  You done fucked up, and I’m not playing your game.

South Carolina specifically is the problem.  When Trump wins another term, it’s black voters there that breathed life back into Biden’s campaign that are at fault.

How was Biden doing in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada again? We did our jobs and buried the fucker - then a whole bunch of people that contribute ZERO Electoral College votes decided, nah, we need the other creepy potential rapist.

Oh, it’s racist to point out that Joe Biden was dead and buried after Nevada, and the only thing that propped him up was a whole bunch of people that live in states that vote Republican in November?  Sorry not sorry.

I’m dead of diabetes by then either way. My only shot was Medicare for All, and black Southern Democrats who won’t provide any Electoral College votes in November took that off the table for me. A big chunk of me wants everyone to suffer as much as I’m going to.

Sorry.  Black Southern Democrats decided to saddle us with Joe Biden - you can get him over the finish line.  Once SC goes for the Democrats, I’ll shut up.