I wonder if Joe Biden would have ever proposed this legislation:
To be fair, I was able to get 15/1 odds that Rob Gronkowski will never play a regular season down for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
Most states aren’t swing states. I’m two towns from New Hampshire (if you want to go South, go North) and I’d be canvassing, fundraising and door-knocking to get Sanders elected, but fuck if I’m going to expend any effort or fundraise for Joe Biden.
I choose my side - Bernie Sanders. Centrist Democrats can die in the fire they created.
Or you could have had Bernie Sanders, but that’s too difficult for you. You’d rather have a hypocrite, which says so much more about you than it does me.
Your nominee is shit. The best thing that can happen for this country is he dies before getting the nomination.
I live in Massachusetts. I’m not voting for Biden or Trump - I’ll be writing in Bernie Sanders, like I did four years ago.
And if that’s Kamala Harris, it’s a step even further backwards. You’d be doing the same if you supported Sanders, and then Nina Turner would be your President. But Joe Biden and his fucking centrism is so much better. Idiots.
....because I wouldn’t use that language?
Black Americans in the South thought this was better than Bernie Sanders. Think about that one for a minute. I know that progressives and centrists both hate the Republicans in this country, but one of us actually tries to do something about it - the other nominates Joe fucking Biden.
They don’t care as long as they win. Democrats need to stop being “moral” and start fucking winning. Otherwise, you’re just as culpable sitting on the sidelines. When Joe Biden chokes in November, I’m going to blame pragmatists like you.
You’re so cool, dude. Teach me how to be as cool as you. Pay the prices or don’t. We’ll find someone who will.
He’s still technically black, so the GOP doesn’t really care if he dies.
If Trump gets re-elected, it’s because black voters in South Carolina decided that they needed Biden. And they’ll get what they deserve.
But dumb fucking Democrats in the South think that this is so much better than Bernie Sanders would have been. You guys must get off on losing. I don’t want to kinkshame - but maybe it would be a good idea to actually win an election with someone that isn’t as shitty as Joe Biden?
I will never forgive black Southerners for putting Biden front and center in this election. This is so much better than Bernie Sanders, guys. You’re totally right.
Who said anything about babies? I said a fetus. You know, that thing that lives off its host, causes sickness, and can’t survive on its own? Get fucked, anti-abortionist.
When I see you have the same “sanctity of life” conversation about cancer cells, tapeworms and other parasites, then we can start talking about fetuses.
This election’s going to get fucked out because Southerners decided that Joe Biden needed to be front and center in the Democratic Party. Y’all have no one to blame but yourselves.