
All of your points are accurate.  So, now that we agree that toppling an incumbent Republican president is already hard work, why the fuck did the Democrats settle on Joe Fucking Biden again?

Aand happened 40 years ago.

So you don't care. Got it, white trash.

Moderate Democrats can’t win unless they’re already in charge or Ross Perot can do enough damage in the South that Bill Clinton can eke out a victory.  No moderate Democrat has won against an incumbent in 30 years, and it required Perot to get it done. :)  Sorry that reality has a liberal bias.

Hope and Change was his position - and progressives ate it up.  Your “handwaving” and complaints about “moving the goalposts” is really adding context to how terrible your candidates have been.  Perot got 18.9 percent of the popular vote; Nader got 2.74.  In your mind, that’s equivalent.  Get fucked.

So, show me a moderate Democrat that’s won fuck all in a Presidential election without 1) being an incumbent or 2) having a third party split the vote.

How did Obama do in his first election? He was the progressive, beat HRC to a pulp in the primary, and then curbstomped McCain, even with 20% of Hillary’s supporters voting for John “Sarah Palin will save my campaign” McCain.

Yeah, because that’s worked every single time in the 2000s.  You morons sound like everyone in Idiocracy.  “Centrist Democrats in the White House” is “Brawndo has what plants crave.”

Meanwhile, you yell at them when you lose every national election.  Funny how that works.

Let’s look at that and do it correctly:

Your attitude of being lukewarm, milquetoast and scared of anything other than the center is what’s led us to this path of having Republican zealots vs. pro-choice Republicans.  The only way to break that up is to have someone actually left to vote for.  

The evidence shows that centrists lose national elections, but that doesn’t stop chucklefucks like you from trying to get them nominated over and over.

The difference is Bernie has a path to 270.  Biden doesn’t.  The only way to prevent four more years of Trump is hoping that Biden dies in his sleep before the nomination.

How’s that working out for you?

If Joe Biden’s a Democrat, I’m not one. He’s a sort-of-pro-choice Republican that black voters are delusional enough to think is on their team.

The only voters that Biden is capable of energizing are still Republicans in November because they still lose those states in the Electoral College.  Biden will win nothing more than Hillary did (maybe Pennsylvania) and still lose the EC.  Dumbfuck centrists will see this loss and blame Bernie Sanders supporters,

No, they shouldn’t. Democrats who can actually get a Democrat elected should say who their nominee is. If you don’t like that, actually change the apparatus in your own state or fucking move.  Clinton lost because she wasn’t ever going to win Wisconsin.  Gore lost because he was never going to win anything south of

Tell me about Clinton-McCain voters and shut the fuck up.

They’re pro-choice Republicans.  Nothing more, nothing less.

And Joe Biden energizes NO ONE.