I have a 2015 V6S with about 44,000 miles as my daily driver. It's a fun car.
I have a 2015 V6S with about 44,000 miles as my daily driver. It's a fun car.
I would start at the fuel filter and pump as suggested and then do a deep dive into the ancient tech fuel injection which is tuned with the help of a multimeter, an Allen key and some hope. I had a similar issue with a 1988 190e and after what felt like hours (It will be faster with a a friend!) of fiddling with the…
Bradley tried to give it all away last night with his boring, unimaginative midfield play. God I hate watching him play.
I wonder if Geico dropped him?
“Racism is bad but judging this guy based solely on the way he looks is great!”
Who dressed these idiots?
I had a 1985 300CD with the turbo. It was an amazing car. It was in crap shape and I had to put in floor pans, but my god, riding in that car was fantastic. It just had presence. And it started no matter what. Shutting the engine off sometimes required opening up hood and hitting the kill switch, but that just added…
You know it’s serious when you are grinding down bolts with a Dremel. The transfer case may need to be swapped out, but first let me use this jewelers tool on these couple of bolts...
Every great thing in is this picture.
At 6'4 is there any way I could ride one of these without being in intense discomfort? Mild discomfort is fine.
Coldplay tonight with opening band Vehicular Cock-Up!
I don’t understand the rear end. The spoiler (?) is almost halfway back to the end of the car. Why not just extend the roof line to the bumper and drop down a vertical piece of glass? Can one even see out of the rear passenger windows? They look tiny. That thing is an angular mess.
I was going to get one of these in high school but I was too tall to comfortably work the clutch as the steering wheel was in the way. I should have lived with the discomfort, but instead settled on a 1982 Corolla. It was a 3 speed auto and sounded like a lawnmower at highway speeds. It was small enough that when I…
In which to park his Batmobile.
Thank god you were able to get the “white people” part wedged into that comment.
I never thought I would say this, but the BMW looks better in profile.
I am at half enjoyment. I wanted people to be that excited about taking a lead into the 4th quarter.