Deadspin in Carbonite (& Jezebel & Kotaku now)

Street outlaws is not real. It is filmed on closed roads, with safety crews, essentially a drag strip.

Former EMT and paramedic, can testify to the truth of 'you get what you pay for' when it comes to car safety systems. I overspent for a new car because of the accidents I've seen.

Wow. That’s not how I got crabs.

Go Fund Me has essentially devolved into privatize the profits, socialize the losses for the common folk.

IF his attorney was aware the texts existed and did nothing to tell the defense they existed are they also culpable?”

Yes, which is why I strongly suspect the attorney tendering that stuff wasn’t actually a “mistake” in the sense we’re all taking it as.  If the attorney learned that Jones had lied previously about the

Every time I go to Costco.

It’s certainly doable, but it’ll just take a little bit of extra work. There are youtubers out there who give advice on how to navigate different websites. But essentially you want to make sure that you have accounts with all the major vendors with all your shipping and payment information already in there. Some

Those hypothetical future crimes are extremely relevant. You wouldn’t let a mass-murderer who shows no signs of remorse out on early release yet notorious international arms dealer who sees no problem dealing weapons to anyone? Let out only a third into his sentence (25 years inside plus 5 years supervised parole).

In what world does Viktor not belong in jail? Like what are you smoking?

No dice.

I live in SW Connecticut, and after seeing none, just this past week I’ve seen three in the wild. And I tell you, I have to admit I really felt envy—they really turn heads. They have that presence, something new, intrinsically desirable...above and ahead of everything else. They have that “of the next” vibe if you

A friend was laid off last week 2 hours after an all hands assuring everyone they weren’t “laying everyone off”. I would guess it’s a way to keep people from destroying work or causing havoc before they can revoke access.

I still reckon it was timing that did it in. Not only was it pretty soon after the previous Star Wars release; it was competing with Infinity War, Deadpool 2 and Aquaman too.

I’d think they’d sell a lot more Rivians if they actually could sell more Rivians.

People in Lincoln are likely more intelligent than your lousy joke

You could get Cyberpunk dirt cheap brand new from pretty much any retailer shortly after release, but keep jerking yourself off over GameStop I guess.

Fixed it.

Hi Seth! 

Putin’s best asset in 2016 was Stein, not Trump.

Sure starting to look like we’re setting up to do it all again too, doesn’t it?