Deadspin in Carbonite (& Jezebel & Kotaku now)

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Way too much. Foley was on record saying that there are 200M gym goes so he expected 100M Peloton subscribers. He ignored that 67% of gym memberships go unused and that peloton itself averages more than 2 users per subscription. He is in large part responsible for the irresponsible valuations.

Remember ... When you see Max Rebo LEAVE, then you LEAVE!

It’s funny that you say you’re glad to have skipped this spin off for those reasons, when the last couple episodes have been The Mandolorian S3 in everything but name.

Be careful not to cut yourself on all that (beskar) edge.

Maybe there is another person on the team who enjoys Star Wars who can also write some articles?

But how else are we going to know they feel validated?!

Yeah no, sorry. I don’t take feedback from people who say — and there’s a lot of you on the internets — “I didn’t watch blabla and from what I can see I made the right choice”.

I think of it as being sort of like snail mail. That letter you just got from the other side of the country took a week to get to you, so any “news” in it will be at least a week old. If you also got a letter from the other side of the world at the same time, it would probably be a bit older due to having traveled

To be fair, she is outdoors, and if I understand the terms of the treaty we’ve negotiated with the virus, it’s not allowed to infect anyone while they’re outdoors. She also would be safe if she were “actively eating or drinking.”

...what the hell are you talking about? In the midst of your ridiculous rant, you bungled your response. Julian transitioned from being a whistle blower to being a puppet of Putin’s helping to interfere in US elections. He rightfully assisted Chelsea Manning and then seems to have been corrupted by the attention

And tomorrow he’d be extolling the civil war airports for their fine people on both sides

On the contrary, I personally appreciate the candor of his email. Every company sugarcoats (to use his word) major issues like this, and will continue to do so until one day they call you into a meeting to let you know you don’t have a job. I would MUCH rather see emails like this updating staff beforehand rather than

You sound like a twat.

Look I am all for fuck the police, but putting a police officer as the main picture for an article with the title

I can still remember being mocked mercilessly on the Star Wars subreddit

You know when Braun first bought the catalog. Kelly Clarkson tweeted that Swift should re-record everything to F him over. I guess it was good advice!

Kyle Rittenhouse is a murderer.

RIP Deadspin. Long live Defector (even if it’s behind a paywall). Fuck spamfeller.