Deadspin in Carbonite (& Jezebel & Kotaku now)

So you’re saying Spears’ mother was... Not. That. Innocent.

Here is NASA’s official timeline.

40 year republican war on education may have something to do with it.

Pretty hilarious that you would frame second gear in that way since last time I looked, our side doesn’t whine and then attack the nation’s capital in defense of their crooked leader...

Ironic considering how hard they’ve actively worked against world peace.

So they’re just out here stealing ideas from Ron Artest now?

This is an extremely anachronistic and outdated view, frankly. It reeks of 1960s history teaching, where the Romans were basically given sloppy blow jobs by history teachers, all their failings ignored, and the renaissance was hyped to high heaven.

Hush now, the grownups are talking.

In related news, morning productivity mysteriously increased during the same period as well as an increase in personal self esteem among all age groups. :D

About time, now lets see Facebook do it.  But then they’d lose 80% of their users.

Keep an eye on r/hermancainaward for updates.

True, but you said “if you think any case of covid requires you to seek medical help” - it’s right up there for all to see.  An impressively fast goalpost move.

Thrown clear to safety!

This might be the single worst topic for a slide show ever.

Ohio is redder than Texas, Georgia and Florida.

So what if she liquidate her retirement funds. That has nothing to do with her crime. She paid back $5,000 so the state is out $35,000. The state got back $200,00 - $300,000 from the other person but 2 million is still unaccounted for. In what universe a lost of $35,000 should result in harsher penalties than a lost

There are two basic strategies for boosting: Take a third shot of the original vaccine, or a new shot of the modified version, based on the specific strain widespread in the area, which would now be Delta. Either way, you’re essentially just refreshing the body’s capability to pump out a strong enough immune response

::Looks back at the last 5 years::
You chose now?

As far as that comment about Jesse Helms it has been confirmed that Jordan never said it. As for Isiah I guess his own actions didn’t warrant it huh? Look Jordan did a lot of shady shit but I ain’t giving him grief for Isiah not making the team. Zeke should look in the mirror.