Deadspin in Carbonite (& Jezebel & Kotaku now)

The Weather Channel app is garbage. 2 days of “hourly” forecasts, and if you want anything further out, you’ve got to join as a “premium” member.

We were talking about this last night at work (i work for LEGO retail)

Why not just say you were born yesterday?

I didn’t think season 2 was that confusing”


You had no idea? Yes, it does matter that you had no idea. It was well publicized on social and other media. And California makes it so easy to vote that you just have to check a box when you get a driver’s license and they mail you a ballot that you would have had in your hands 2 weeks ago. Also, there were probably

Cool to know you care about yourself and only yourself and that everyone else in this country can get fucked unless you get your special purity pony. 

Now playing

Really good mini-documentary from Australia about what is going down in Wuhan:

Which is annoying when you live in the middle in Seattle, and you say you’re going to Vancouver for the weekend, the inevitable next question is “Canada or Portland?”

Jesus, give it a fucking rest already.

Your memory is pretty spot on. One of my roommates moved to Madison and did some writing for the Onion. He lived with a few other people in a house on Gorham, and some of those people worked at Badger.  I always loved visiting him because I could pick up a stack of Onion back-issues, and go hang out at the liquor

Been in Badger Liq more than once....I agree with your statement on them moving to NYC lol

If they did, they failed like the Onion. I doubt the broken neon signage is as ironic as the publication.

I only go up to Wisconsin for the occasional brandy old fashioned and to brag about my indoor plumbing. So I’m low information about Onion details.

Holy shit, that is the single douche-ist article I have ever read. That is some David Brooks level elitism, it is so far over the top I started to wonder if it was some kind of satire.  

This belongs in the Smithsonian.

If you haven’t noticed, Jez has been ‘hollowed out’ (s/o to maraleia) in the last year. Lauren is one of less than a handful of writers that have been on staff for longer than 14 months. Deadspin’s death was quick and dignified comparatively.

...that’s a strangely specific thing to always have said.

Because an accusation is still just an accusation if there’s no admission or investigation. Whether we like it or not, there is a lot of discussion around Franken and there is no broad consensus that his resignation was warranted. There was no investigation. So that lack of consensus means that one side can’t dominate