Deadspin in Carbonite (& Jezebel & Kotaku now)

I want all the Trump fans to give all they can to his funds. Also to the gofundme accounts of those claiming the voting fraud. I want them to give every penny they can afford to give. On Jan 21, Biden will be in office Trump at Mar lago or such and they’ll be broke.

Still asking ALOT for all those Bernsters to remember to vote in a Primary. Christ, this year they were confined to a house and still couldn’t be bothered to figure it out.

I think they just stopped running Biden is a womanizer articles after her own attorneys and Trumps group realized the accuser story was full of it. And one of the two groups believes in pizzagate. Yet here is Jez, living down to its worst.

Not sure why your star count is so low, but this is brilliant.

They’ll be happy to speak with you after they sell their company -now with record profits and the lowest overhead in their history! 

The PS3 launch was so bad, I was using my $600 fat rig to play...Rampart from the playstation store for MONTHS. I won’t buy a new console until several games arrive. Rampart. 

Scientology makes Trump U look like a bargain. VP noms confuse me. Not sure what Hillary was thinking or Al Gore. My wife asked me who was Hillary’s nominee and I said EXACTLY. If you want to change the conversation in 2020 bring Scientology into this for some stupid reason. Rice can answer the calls on Russia and

I am a Susan Rice person myself after reading a great article on Politico regarding the needs for a VP that can answer China and Russia in one day. But she (Rice) has not been elected that I can recall -to any office which was viewed as a negative despite the current situation. But she is highly qualified.

He probably could have taken State in High School if the coach woulda just PLAYED HIM! Totally could have taken State in 94!

We’ve been hearing this as long as “When Texas Turns Blue its all over!” - 20+ years. Bush won them over for a second term by repeating “9/11!”.

THIS. Admins know everything. Always treat them with respect regardless of your title. They’re the fun ones to drink with at company social events...back when there were social events.

Brooks Brahs Bryan is perfect. I was going with the Die Hard Christmas character: Khaki McClane due to his barefooted-ness. You win.

Was hoping he would be christened Khaki McCLane

“Airport security couldn’t believe these JAW DROPPING moments!

I second the vote for Aisle-Runner-Ronnie. 

When he announced his “Time To Be With Family” I think we all knew something was about to come down. Nobody mentions TTBWF unless some real shit is coming down a hill. Wait til the outtakes from this skit surface -I bet this looks like Mary Poppins.

The PS3 had the worst launch games -I remember playing Rampart on a brand new $600 console. It took over a year for decent games to come out if I recall correctly (Warhawk?). I have not bought a launch console since. 

I have two kids: 4.5 & 7.5 and they are living Zelda BOTW currently. I think they will remember the virus era as the time they got to play Zelda. I bought the expansion pack in the hopes it keeps their interest a bit longer (it is working). I fret about the next game however as few will match up to the free roaming

This chart is always telling. Following the Tulsa riots (about 1/3 from the left) you can see a marked increase in Confederate monuments. This is also the case with the Plessy vs. Ferguson, the founding of the NAACP, and Brown vs. Board of Education. There were very few of these until the 1900's.

Any suggestions on who needs aid compared to current donation levels? Is the DC need currently lower than NY? I also want to support those in Red States that may not be receiving the resources and coverage.