Deadspin in Carbonite (& Jezebel & Kotaku now)

It does need to go for flight cert, but Boeing splurged a bit on the paint job. These 747x8 rock my neighborhood when landing.

Thank you for reminding us. It was such a terrible era there was absolute fear on the airways at the time. He was a token to his dad for working with the Bush Administration. The firing of radio personalities lead to boring dj's playing the same songs sometimes in 45m rotations. Now we have automated DJ's for those

My angelic 15mo old wanted mommy for both legs of the Seattle-Kauai flight. Running support isn't any easier. Think you are going to bust out that kindle? Wrong. You are on snacks he NEEEDS SNACKS NOW duty, oh wait, THE MOTORIZED TINY THING FIND IT IN THAT HUUUGE BAG! -repeat for the 3hrs when the benadryl wears off.

Well then they must be better than the Beatles!

This is so full of true. My personal favorite is when the tender refuses to make eye contact / acknowledge you. Fret not Mr. I pull a tab for a living, I got a big $1 if that coming your way.

Ummmm...a team with Felony charged Aldon Smith for guns following his alcohol issues should probably avoid pointing fingers at players using adderall.

ANY word on online play? I know I was in the minority, but I really enjoyed MGO, specifically team sneak and whatever the mode was where it was Snake vs two teams battling each other.

I'm heading over to Jezebel to get my holiday shadenfreude dosage.

Don't leave me hanging here...what does Player 2 come back with?

Does the headcoach still have his job?

Never take a long shot when a close one is at hand.

In Patrick Ewings day, that was considered a drop step.

There was a great report on NPR about the doctor who performed the autopsy the Warren Commission referenced. He burned his initial notes because it had JFK's blood on them and he remembered seeing Lincoln's death bed and did not want the notes to become a spectacle for the wrong reason.

I am just going to take a guess that Atlanta proper has yet to pay off that stadium, so I am guessing two cities are now paying for the Braves.

I'm turning off the internet for the day. This both made it and ended it. Too much wow.

In college an Urban Economics professor broke out the cost of the new Milwaukee stadia in per tax payer per year analysis. I extended it out using the average cost to go to a game, and each tax payer should have received 2-3 free tickets each year. I am sorry I do not recall the actual numbers. The faculty attempted

I tried to watch it, but the commercials in the corners were designed for those who enjoy migranes, and I am not in that demographic anymore.