If you find Gravity of interest, you are wrong due to the Sandra Bullock casting error.
If you find Gravity of interest, you are wrong due to the Sandra Bullock casting error.
Want a fun time? Try meeting up with friends at an OSU game without using smoke signals. Their one cell=phone tower town is overloaded 3hrs prior to kick-off and you can watch your phone lose its charge while it tries to acquire a signal.
Stupidity. So much stupidity in just one comment. Please put pen to paper and write a novel RIGHT NOW! For it would be impossible for someone to say something so outstandingly stupid, and have MORE stupidity in reserve.
It's true. Hawk fans still claim XL was rigged and this forms the basis for all current discussions (Fail Mary, etc). Christ, every month we get top-fold update on Mariners players that were on the squad that played well in the 90's, so I expect XL to have a similar half-life.
Please tell me you aren't real.
Please tell me this isn't real.
This is so great, I'm re-reading in Garrison Keillor voice.
Perhaps, but I don't know anybody that dated R. Kelly, so I can't speak to that for sure.
True story: he is in the closet.
That was so good, I threw-up at the end.
I'm so excited right now, I won't hit play for fear my middle school me with all the stolen quarters from my household, will be let down.
I think this is a great way to tax idiots. At this time of year we have Ducks those WW2 amphibicar tours that assault us throughout Seattle. They blow into duck noisemakers, play YMCA nonstop and play rocky theme music anytime they pass someone jogging. My only consolation is everyone laughing paid a stupid amount of…
So I never thought I would say this, but I kind of liked ye olde "show-us-your birth-certificate" crazy days. At least then, it was just a festival of craziness, like an Onion article in real life.
Oh that reminds me.
I had to do a control+ find "Hamms" just to be sure it was robbed.
Oh. They also made motor oil I see.
I feel like I need to be quiet when reading this list because the cops might be outside.
I work with neurosurgeons on occasion, brain tumors are surprisingly treatable. I can't locate the source currently, but I believe about 80% are operable and or non-cancerous. He has a surgery scheduled which is a good sign. They can remove numerous ways (nose etc) or hit it with sterotactic radiosurgery if it is…