Deadspin in Carbonite (& Jezebel & Kotaku now)

Nice. The judges also would have accepted polonium.

Tastes like burn

I suspect he will get far more comfortable letting three shaved men enter without speaking in the near future.

The community I grew up in Florida is a gated hell. Which means I can't see how that hell has changed. Do you make an attempt to enter gated communities? If so what is the general reaction by the gate keepers? Note: most communities let ANYONE in if you say you are going to visit the real estate office in my

I believe we are still paying for the dome too, which was demolished 2 years before I even moved here.

I blame ass hair. Has anyone stuck the razor back there? I read a horrifying reddit on how it becomes SUPER SLIMY and CHAFES without ass hair, so I chickened away from it.

I'll bite. How many towel uses before moving on to another clean towel? I generally switch it up when I can no longer smell the bleach on my current towel. I only use really nice overly priced comfy white towels that I can napalm with bleach without worrying.

Peace Walker was a surprisingly great game on the ps3 remake. You build an army via research and recruitment. That said, I never finished it because I couldn't find certain people above a B grade very often, and it felt like I only needed them for 2 or 3 last missions.

Jesus. I need to get home to my 7mo old and enjoy this stage. The storm is a comin.

Wise choice buddy.

The banners were supplied by US Soccer. I assure you we were not at Kinkos printing off crowd banners yesterday. We would have had far more clever banners.

I don't think you need Freud to understand what every dream about wrestling is really about.

Is there a Seattle reading planned? Is there a book tour site somewhere?

Agreed, while living in Copenhagen I had a Russian friend invite me to dinner. Front and center in their china case was a large framed photo of Stalin. I didn't get the opportunity to discuss their feelings on him, I was more taken aback by the Confederate flag with Elvis in the center.

First Day of My Life was a song we used to my sons birth video (not that type of video). It was great, nobody had heard the of the song, although now it is featured in a real estate commercial for Redfin I belive.

You have to go the distance otherwise the Floridians will escape.

Interestingly, her forehead appears to be in suspended animation.

I want to watch these assholes somehow. Hook one of those gopro cameras up with GPS, I want to see them implode from the pressure...

I have a 6 month old. It's been 4 months since I've turned on my PS3. 3 years ago I was unmarried and had 4-8 hours a day. I wouldn't trade it for the world, but on occasion I really miss blowing shit up. The problem is that I never purchased Black Ops 2 so I know I will be the one blown up constantly.

In the shocking nobody department, Oregon football is admitting "major" violations.