Deadspin in Carbonite (& Jezebel & Kotaku now)

I'm on paternity leave now (1 of 3 mos down). I would add the sheer frustration of waking up believing you have a free day with the little one only to come to the realization that you will get very little done. The dishes? sure, maybe the laundry, no way in hell there will be vacuuming, and your daily coffee run is

MAJOR positive externalities. They really have to be significant to pencil out. A good example of externalities would be Wrigley and all the businesses, restaurants, and housing within walking distance that benefit from the attraction that also increase the tax base and taxable land values. Building new however

Now playing


Is there a way to mass delete emails in gmail? I have tried on numerous occasions to winnow down the unreads, its the fact that I have to go to so many pages to get it done that get bored with the process.

Uncharted 4: Drakes Orbis

You've really made the grade.

So how do you beat the SNES version? I was looking forward to seeing how the SNES version can be beaten. Years after its release and the only time I got close was on a land locked map and lowered taxes to 0 and hoped to ride it out...and I failed miserably. I never used the cheat but I was aware of it, it was ugh,

Those poor popes that are ranked below the Antipopes, and a tie at 142! Celestine V could only hold on for like 3 months!

bonus for listening to mp3s or vinyl, no concertgoers watching through their phones.

No used games? -this will work out splendidly.

I realized this year most of the tv shows I watch are just excuses to take my mind off the out of season shows like Breaking Bad and Mad Men.

Metal Gear online was great for this too. In Team Sneak I immediately shot out lights when attacking an area. When defending an area I knew I was up against an intelligent team when the lights around me slowly got shot out. I never would have tried to shoot the lights out if I hadn't played Splinter Cell

So do we have to have HBO through our cable provider or are they offering a stand-alone option?

messa thinks it bombed becausa theysa started with phantom menace.

Wait. Won't that switch it to the National Flood Insurance run by FEMA? So now its Federal!

The bricks are worth money if you can get them to other cities. But the upkeep for the structures would be far more than the sales cost. It's like the analogy, old boat being a hole in the water you throw money into..only its a city.

Following Buttfumble, ( What would be the best name for his jersey next year and for what team?

Doesn't matter, this is the time of year where all golden domers turn their attention to Duke and the Yankees.

The only thing that could make this better? Seeing ESPN using their "sources" to take credit. Also, can we make this embarrassing golden domer thing a weekly feature?

I remember staring in awe of game gear. It was portable! AND IN COLOR! WHAT WILL THEY THINK OF NEXT?