Deadspin in Carbonite (& Jezebel & Kotaku now)

So do these fly from Nevada to forward operating bases or are they disassembled and delivered like helicopters? I don't think this is ground breaking news as I've read several articles on the pilots outside of Vegas. To think they wouldn't have a couple in a base nearby for training would be more shocking.

Oooh that FBI agent from Boardwalk Empire! I like him.

Well if the interface and sounds are like the movies then I'm ok with this expenditure. I can't live in a world where search results fail to appear with 3d schematics and high pitched tech sounds.

Now playing

I'm here for the wham reunion talk. Is it for real a possibility? Just try not to listen.

When I purchased wrapping for a Kindle, the box (not wrapping paper) it arrived in was tattered on all the edges despite being in another box. I simply complained to Amazon to get the money back. It doesn't resolve the issue that they claim it will look great and save you the hassle however.

So is this the prep for the GIF Battle of 2012? WHO WILL WIN BEST OF 2012!?

The awesomeness of this almost turned today into a Friday.

Why Arkansas? What does he know about the UW program we don't? Does the SEC get extra time-outs? I wouldn't view Arkansas as the next logical step up.

I doubt they are hacking these things. If that were the case, wouldn't they have obtained a whole fleet of our drones by now? My guess is these are flying regularly over Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakista...well everywhere, and that we've only lost 2 isn't indicative of a hackable system.

Critical passage: "..heads worldwide will be dying to get their hands on."

PRAISE BE! She overcame undereating!

Is there a way to just mark them unread or do a mass deletion? I have 3,000 unread messages over a year old and I would like to delete them more than one page at a time. I'm actually considering switching to for a cleaner soul. Even though its digital, I still feel overwhelmed and cluttered when I log into

I didn't realize what a historical based year this was for me until this post.

The dress. Can you find the dress? The dress apparently played a large role in the story.

I'm just here because I am hoping for a its-a-Friday-but-really-a-Wednesday gif party.

Sic semper trollis!

Brilliant! Did you buy their app? Or is it hiding somewhere in one of the public radio apps that I have not yet been able to locate.

Great deals can be found at Sony Stores (b&m) now on the older Nex 5's ($399-$499). I went to pick one up last week, but ended walking out with a Nex 7 for $750 with lens (returned item). The integrated viewfinder on the Nex 7 and the programmable dials were the clinchers. Learning how to use this thing is an

A) True

Oh gawd. I think this is how bullying starts these days.