Deadspin in Carbonite (& Jezebel & Kotaku now)

The RSN makes more sense than any other theory of late. I live in a very vocal neighborhood that is dreading the Key getting a team for two years (while the new stadium is constructed) due to commute consequences, yet nobody is speaking up -just the Mariners and the PA. This town clearly misses the team.

It looks like there is an Ad supported version for $20. (179 vs 199) for the 3g paperwhite version. The page took some finagling to get to likely because of traffic.

Great pull! I didn't fully pay attention to what he was saying until after I posted -I was so excited for the close quote and I couldn't (still can't) find the op to edit/clarify that I +1 his movie line.

O thank gawd. After seeing their value earlier this week, I was worried they wouldn't have enough money to make payroll.

Forgive me but was Conviction ever released for PS3? I loved the series for PS2 and would jump back in if I could follow the story from the previous game which appears to still be exclusive to xbox/windows. Are these all connected or is/was there a reboot to the series?

Some-day's this site kicks too much ass. Or maybe you guys are monitoring my internet research via my gmail account and then scurrying to help me decide on buying, because this is the third time an article has popped up in the last month right when I need it. Sony NEX, Kindle, Drill.

That episode of Breaking Bad somehow really annoyed me with its ending. I know its a TV show, but for the rest of the evening I was pretty pissed.

THERE WILL BE TAPE DELAY. They delayed the Vancouver Olympics and it was a 3 hour drive north for me. Friends went to events and drove home and re-watched the event. NBC DOES NOT CARE what time zone it is in. -Now here is Micheal Phelps.

Fret not. Gawker is running a story in defense of Neo-Nazi Music. It's likely old hat stuff to you, but your group is making inroads apparently.


No I didn't realize what the cause of the reduced focus on MP was, just got nervous pulling the trigger last month. Thanks!

wanted to say thanks! Also: Nuksie was my nickname as a kid due to my baskeball shots.

I've been holding out for these, but is 16mp enough? Even point and shoots have 16mp for several hundred dollars less. Or has the MP armsrace finally ended and other more important features are being touted that distinguish these?

forgive me, what is a vpn (i assume the same as what i have for work) and how do i get one if i am stateside? despite NBCs promise to show things live, I know they are going to eff up the coverage somehow -it is all they do during the olympics.

Could someone PLEASE turn off the Bourne theme song in my head.

Anyone have thoughts on where the Sony Nex series would come into play? Particularly the 5 or 7?

I will DVR college football. But it takes so much work to NOT learn the score before seeing the game, it is frequently worth it to be anti-social and skip whatever the conflict is. No Facebook, no stores with a tv with a bottom line, no news checking, and certainly DO NOT TELL ANYONE YOU ARE OR ARE NOT WATCHING A

I'm looking forward to the next console about as much as I am looking forward to the new commenting system. What will the new premium be for a game? $70 for a digital copy (or hardcopy that we cannot resell)? I feel like over the last couple years, programmers have really begun to stretch their legs and really work

I replied to this post and now only see like one other post. Remember, they worked on this for a year before releasing...