Deadspin in Carbonite (& Jezebel & Kotaku now)

How about going through floors? My cave is where my gadgets reside. Also, I believe I have a comcast router for free -would I just ditch that? How can I tell which is better?

So do new comments automatically go to the back? If so is the only way for them to get brought to the forefront when readers flip to the back pages for the most recent comments and join the discussion? It kind of sounds like a first one in has a better shot at being above-the-fold-on-the-computer. A nostalgic twist to

Is this part of the uprising! This egalitarian system will destroy the Deadspin hierarchy for the protection of the proletariat! At least we still have Kotaku!

Their website. Words fail. The stock image banner at the top ended my shopping.

I ran into Buzz at the Grand Hyatt in Kauai over Thanksgiving on my birthday (I was there for the happy hour not to stay). I've met several sports folks, but was never in awe of anyone the way I was when I met him. Can you imagine what he did knowing what they knew at the time? There is more technology in my phone

Perfect timing Giz, I may pickup a mirorless within the next two weeks. Did Sony update the entire NEX line line or only the 3? I am seriously looking at the NEX line. Based on last years models I was thinking of the middle model (the 5?).

This news has stuck with me several days after posting. MGO and Warcraft III are my favorite games of all time. It was the hot stupid girl, you had to go through exasperating conversation / Konami ID BS before getting to the great stuff.

The update is live finally. I'm a spotify premie, and while it is great, there is room for improvement. The top hits on the home screen is mediocre, I would prefer the new releases section to be expanded since the top hits has been virtually the same for 4 months (Gotye, Flo Rida, One Direction, two lame Funs, Call

Fake. I refuse to believe there is a craigslist ad that doesn't use the term "vintage".

Those were the best exams. At first you think you can coast through then realize you're spending your exam time flipping through notes and the book and before you know it you've got one answer down and 2 more problems to solve with 30m left. But if you knew your stuff, you just used the notes to confirm the processes

In a philosophy course we were usually provided 2 essay questions ahead of time that would be on the exam and 3 surprise questions of which we were to pick one and answer them in blue books. One of the libraries during finals week was handing out the blue books for scrap paper...the only trick was to not turn in a

That Is Awesome. True story: When leaving Kauai last November, the ticket scanner nazi came on board and removed our bags because we didn't have their blue tags on the handle. She was so crazed the fight attendants asked everyone to stay away she seems really upset. They pleaded with us to complain to corporate. There

Which explains why I couldn't do it in Mexico and got all frustrated. -Thank you fellow badger.

Right now I need two apps to buy movie tickets online since the big chains apparently have different deals with Flixster and Fandango. Even with those two apps some theaters still require me to talk to stand in line to speak with a headsetted-teenager . Another purely frustrating caveat: there is a ticketmaster-esq

Forgive me but what is NFC?

The tiered structure of watching pay channels is my deterrent. I subscribe to HBO and Showtime when Dexter / Boardwalk Empire / Shameless are up and running then throttle it back to save. I just hope the shows I miss are available on demand when I restart this fall.

That was my first thought as well.

Water water everywhere and nor any drop to drink...

There were also rumors that Allen -who had been looking to unload his Trailblazers and The Rose Garden for some time, would bring his team north and not request public financing for it. Many embraced the departure citing the already high cost of a game, which would only grow with a new stadium. One element left out,

Metal Gear is about to get Jar Jar'd.