Deadspin in Carbonite (& Jezebel & Kotaku now)

The large intestine as a logo? Large intestine as a logo.

YHATZEE! The Judges also would have accepted a Dane.

My metabolism slowed just watching that video.

If the library is almost behind you when you took this pic, you live a block behind me.

Heh. I can see nobody made it to my office, or at least they never turned on the lights.

I'd love to! But alas, I don't know how to include images anymore. Gone are ye olde days of an attach button.

At my Alma Mater, many of the professor authored the textbooks or contributed to them and no doubt were on the receiving end of some payment. For Accounting alone, the bookstore rotated text book every year as a result of numerous accounting professor authoring accounting 101 books. This KILLED any resale value and

Everyone remain calm! Pipa may be down, but Pippa is just fine.

To this day Metal Gear Online (MGS4) is one of my all time favorites despite Konami's atrocious handling of the game which effectively killed it from the start. I was sincerely hoping for an updated MGO experience free from the konami debacle. The trailer released made me want to play Shaq-fu it looked so bad. It

Edit: Deleted Double post.

Pipa thankfully may be finished, but hopefully most men will continue to support Pippa.

However playable it will be, it will remain unplayable for me.

I remember back in ye olde days, when retro arcade cabinets were a weekly feature, and the updates seemed to stop on the weekend. Brian, you've played an integral role in building this site into the force it has become and I look forward to seeing your next adventure.

I'm hoping for a remake of Metal Gear Rising first.

Just remove the "Metal Gear" from the "Rising" and we'll all be fine. The game looked bad, and somehow the music seemed to make the game look epic it was so horrendous.

This is a BIG letdown for me. It has the Metal Gear name so I attached it to the franchise, so I erroneously hoped it would be a tactical stealth ninja type experience . The action feels like a button mashing boreathon. I could be wrong, but the music SO HORRENDOUS I can't truly gauge how bad the game looks. But it

I was on Kauai the other day and ran into Buzz. Nobody at the resort knew who he was. I've bumped into quite a few celebs in my day and was never as excited as I was to shake his hand. Dunk a basketball act in a great have nothing on these guys. Something about astronauts from that era still completely awes

I thought the Templar were our friends vis a vis Dan Brown? I platinumed AC2, but never jumped back to the original after so many recommended passing on it so I missed the backstory.

Pro Tip: To easily fly either a plane or helicopter, hold your controller upside-down and place your feet at the top of the couch while resting your head on the floor.