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Somewhere Ms. Pac Man is wallowing in sadness over her new spot. What a fall it was after the summer of Pac Man fever.

This is the most anticipated post in history.


I dreamed of getting a M1 (errr I mean 1M for the purists) pictured above..then I figured out the odds of getting one and the cost is similar to a newly used 5 series and realty set in. But jesus that M1 is orange because it is so damn hawt.


Has there been any word on the trophies? I'm not a trophy whore anymore, but I truly enjoyed attempting to get the BBE in MGS4 (for which there are no trophies.) Lastly, will there be an online similar to MGO? To date MGO was my favorite bit, although the way Konami butchered it with the konami id and not using the

FUCK. Now I have to relive the embarrassing truth of my childhood...I never successfully landed on the goddamned aircraft carrier. There. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW!?

So can we get a purple knight for pancreatic cancer? The cancer that doesn't have a 93% 5 year survival rate and doesn't have its color painted on every jersey and field in sports?

Correcto! I just watched a special on Marine One on the National Geographic channel this weekend. There are dozens of "White Tops" and at least three different models.

So what is the affect of this? I play on the PS3 only, but I would still like to know how it affects PC. Will this end the dreaded lost connection signal when a team is seconds from losing? Will it end the seeming lag kills I see at times? Any insight is greatly appreciated.

I went diving with Manta rays in Kona a year or two ago -it was my splurge for the trip amongst the touristy things. It was absolutely amazing. They literally come up to your light which illuminates the plankton they are eating, stop on a dime and somersault all within inches of your face. You can't touch them (it

So I 'm missing out on dating these plastic women because I game!? ..wait what is the downside of said predicament?

That's because its too deep and too long to form traditional support spans.

Because I had a wedding and then went to Italy and then moved. Besides, when has Sony ever done something on time?

It's just not the same announcement of an announcement without an announcement website with a field of grass and an electrical storm full of clues that made no sense before or after the reveal.

If the game developers also drilled for oil THEN Fox news would be happy to hand out "tax payers money" in the form of tax breaks and grants. Because big oil is suffering of late and they need our financial assistance currently.

I got into Dexter after the PSN offered an episode for free two summers ago. Since then I completely caught up via blockbuster and when the que was too long, I bought individual episodes through the PSN. Now I subscribe to Showtime to catch new episodes as they are released, something I never would have done without

Impressive Sony. I would have killed for Peacewalker as I am going to buy it anyway for my long haul flights coming up. Liberation is great for long flights where you feel the need to blow shit up for those who need an idea. I'm looking forward to Mod Nation and some other game.

Announcements about announcements are about the only thing I hate more than teasers. I'll keep reading the updates on leaked information for actual news (thanks Kotaku!). Plus, I have little good will toward Activision so it's additionally poetic.

Thank you. Now that I think about it, was he setup by the jealous Thorpe, in the server room, with the wire-cutters? *hint