I’m so happy for Khloe. Wanting kids and not being able to conceive one has to be incredibly painful. I’m glad this is happening for her.
I’m so happy for Khloe. Wanting kids and not being able to conceive one has to be incredibly painful. I’m glad this is happening for her.
As a receptionist, should I consider myself as attractive but non-threatening?
I’d rather throw in a lake full of burning tampons and maxi pads.
In what sounds like a real-life casting-couch porno opener, Emmy Rossum tells the Hollywood Reporter that a director…
Bob Ferguson!
Judging by the trailer alone, Polish filmmaker Agnieszka Smoczynska’s directorial debut, The Lure, has everything I…
I’m pretty sure they’ll enter the Bundestag in the next election; the only question remains is by how many percent. And it doesn’t help when parts of the CDU/CSU (mostly the latter, it seems) tries to court AfD voters by adopting some of their radical points of view.
Yes, how dare they put a Senator and Secretary of State with 30 years of civil service in her resume up for the Presidential election.
Don’t you want some nice news that will make you feel good instead of very, very horrible about the state of the…