
The comments here are kind of harsh. We were all dumb rich kids once. Who among us hasn’t totaled two exotics worth half a million dollars, fled the scene of the accident, left our passport behind in the wreckage, and had the entire incident captured on two different videos only to have them both uploaded to

I sure hope you added a couple extra struts to that.

I guess will start seeing Kias crashing out of Cars and Coffee now.

I’m straight up stealing this from a reddit thread from yesterday...

you would do 60 in the passing lane while talking on your cell phone?

I ordered 9 things on amazon this weekend and i hope my city wins the amazon 2nd HQ. The biggest employer here pays no local property tax and was incentivized to build here. Then it brought 20k professional jobs to the area. This town has gone through a massive boom because of them and its a great city.

LEDs have a high refresh rate that usually dont sync well with Camera frame/refresh rates. Think of Top Gear when the day time lamps flicker during a review. So the camera most likey was in sync with one light and not the other.

I wonder if anyone has thought to ask Jeb?

Wouldn’t the real anti-Tesla be called Edison?

I would imagine that would be a Copyright nightmare though.

Tires Mushy, Pressurize Soon

SELECT * FROM emotions WHERE name=’nostalgia’;

video game?

Show me someone who thinks engine braking is bad and I’ll show you a stupid person. I’ve never heard anyone express that opinion honestly, not sure where Engineering Explained came up with that.

Farted continuously in rental Camry all the way from Montreal to NYC.

The rest of the elite disaster-response team walks resolutely across the tarmac:

Podcasts. You need podcasts.

those shoes should have stayed in the 90's.