Seattle Dan

Right, but in those cases the laws were crafted in a way to shove things out of public view, which made it easier to hide abuses by pimps as well as sex trafficking.

This isn’t an easy subject, but the fact is people should be able to do what they like with their own bodies. What must be illegal is the coercion and

It’s funny hearing an idiot condescendingly say “surely you understand that” to his intellectual superior.

Go back to reddit.

I regret backing Mighty Number 9 or whatever it was after the constant stream of bullshit updates ever since they finished. The game looks generic and awful and they seem to have been more interested in making dat franchise money off the as-of-yet-unreleased “franchise” and now they pull this terrible Red Ash shit.


That’s just wicked.

Doesn’t that actually make it more badass?

I can’t stress how incredibly important it is to see setbacks as learning experiences rather than full-stop-failures.

This also happens a LOT with parrots all over the US and is very damaging to the animal—parrots are psychologically more fragile than dogs (partly because they’re smarter, partly because they’re not domesticated animals) and moving from home-to-home-to-home in a short timespan can trigger mental issues and

Let’s clarify here: they aren’t just blind, they do not care about women’s agency.

Practice run, according to some things I’ve seen.

Makes sense, too, it was a very well-executed kidnapping as things go. Just gotta make sure you do it in an area where the cops are idiots. Luckily, that’s not exactly difficult in the US...

I’d argue that it’s a sign of how *good* the deal is, because Israel and the Gulf States haven’t done shit toward real lasting peace in years.

I think we made a huge mistake in the past century turning Iran from an ally to an enemy. Instead of doubling down on our failed policies with states who give no shits about

Open letter to the 15 year old:

Next time this horrible evil shithead of a judge tells you you have to have lunch with your dad, agree to it as long as it’s in public.

Have lunch with your dad.

If he tries to say anything to you that you don’t want to hear, tell him “you’re an abusive piece of shit and every word you say

So how long have you been beating your wife in front of your kids?

I pirated games fairly often during high school and college. I was also pretty much broke (and my family wasn’t very wealthy) during those times as well.

Now I’m in my 30s and make a very good living and the situation is totally reversed: I buy games that I often never end up playing!

Just hating immigrants that much takes a profound lack of intelligence and compassion, so I don’t think any of them are ignoring his idiocy so much as seeing him as like-minded.


I’m sure Warner Brothers will do the correct thing and demote or cut the bonuses to the executives who pushed the timeline that left the PC version shitty.

ah ha ha ha ha ha I’m kidding they’ll just blame the QA folks or their managers somehow and fire them while getting nice big fat bonuses

It really isn’t. It might be more *immediately* hurtful for him to hear that you’re just not into him but long term it’s super shitty. All you’re doing it shifting his disappointment onto the next person he meets as he desperately hopes that maybe she’ll have the respect for him to say if she’s not that into him

She took her (understandable) frustration about her life being on hold for a year due to medical issues out on you by setting you up to fail so she could justify having accepted your help for all that time and then immediately breaking up as soon as she didn’t need the help anymore.

It’s super shitty and she’ll have to

When Guild Wars 2 came out, I marathon’d it for 12-16 hours a day for an entire week (taking a week long vacation from work), with the permission of my girlfriend at the time who was living with me, only taking breaks for the bathroom and to cook meals.