Seattle Dan

Probably because most/(all?) serious players use fighting sticks, not the gamepads.


Every time I see one of these articles where they interview cops, it’s always “wahh I can’t do my job now because I might be held accountable for something.”

I know it’s new and scary to be held accountable for your jobs, cops, but you’ll get used to it like the rest of us.

You’re pretty dumb if you think it’s not possible to rationally judge whether a traditional practice of any culture is harmful or not. If it’s harmful, it’s bad. Not very hard to figure out.

Regardless of what you think of his comedy (I was never a fan), dude is super nice to people, drives his cars, and loves to bring his cars TO people.

So coolest? Yeah.

serious echoes of Jefferson, like wtf

Hell yeah.

I didn't really like the FF until I "drove" one in (don't laugh) Forza Horizon. Hollllly crap what a fun AWD car.

Well, since there isn’t any air resistance, resistance friction is negligible, so it would just keep accelerating until it ran out of electrical power or the propellant (in this case, Xenon). These engines are designed to run for very long periods of time—they have to, because it isn’t a lot of thrust. What it is is

True, a heat pipe solution might be ideal here.

Interesting. My senior year of my physics bachelor’s degree at MichiganTech had me working with aerospace engineering grad students (actually mechanical/electrical engineering students since the school didn’t officially have an aerospace program) on Hall-effect ion engines. We were using Xenon as well as Bismuth as

“Secret Alliances AKA Backstabbing Your Teammate”

I did this in Starcraft with my best friend at the time while we were in middle school.

Broadband still wasn’t very common (this was in the Portland, OR) area but his parents were quite wealthy and had a business with servers at home, including a T-1 line running

My 15 year old self would be appalled at a lot of things, but at the same time amazed at others. “You’re not religious anymore!? APOSTATE!”
“You’re not working in the space industry? WHY ARE YOU A FAILURE?”
“You’ve had sex? With various people? WOW WHAT IS THAT LIKE?!”

etc, etc.

“that’s harder said than done when he has superpowers and can move at mach 20.”

I think you mean *easier* said than done.

"CCP, the developers of The Witcher series."

I think you mean CD Projekt RED

I’m both confused and jealous. How awesome is that as a surname?

I'm a dude and I feel exactly the same way. I like how I look, but I have no idea if (or don't think that) I'm what others find attractive at all.

While agree with you, these two things really fucking do:

"There's no bard, I'm kinda into bards" you say, while your mouse cursor hovers over Chanter.

White dude here. If I wanted to see a bunch of people who look just like me I'd go outside. I am, after all, in Seattle.

I really, really like my TV shows filled up with people who do not look like me, with characters (and actors) who have completely different backgrounds from what I grew up with. It's rad, and it

Sounds like the real tip here is "don't live in NYC"

I have no qualms calling Brooklyn 99 "progressive" despite also being incredibly silly.