Seattle Dan

CP. If it was the real thing and the story was verified by Alpina, then NP all the way. As it is, the seller is lying in an attempt to drive up the price, which is classic crack-pipe behavior.

Um, isn't that exactly why the DOE loan has been frozen and isn't allowing them to draw out any more cash?

Holy shit. That got really fucking weird, really fast.

Lexus by far, but closely followed by "anybody driving a black SUV of any brand."

One bad aspect of this whole server mess is it's allowing Maxis to completely ignore the game's other major issues:

Somebody's been watching too many D.A.R.E. videos.

Seems to me its most direct competitor is... actually, I have no idea. Maybe it's the car for people who want something like a FT86 but find that it isn't expensive enough.

Good things PCs are backwards compatible, even back to really old games you can run under emulation on DOSbox. Or even old consoles, if you like.

Honestly you'll take less of a performance penalty by installing Microsoft Security Essentials instead of Avast. It also has spyware defense.

So it'll basically be a high-end PC (circa January 2013) that requires a Kinect to be plugged in and watching you at all times?

I've seen this car posted elsewhere.

Congrats on your "No True Scotsman" fallacy! I bet you're real proud.

You speak of this like it's just *so easy* to get another job.

Looks like it's a fantastic year to be a PC gamer

Yeah, I still have my second one but it's had trigger issues since about 2 months after they shipped it to me. I just didn't bother to RMA that one because I figured the next one would be just as fragile.

I completely agree. There were some great gaming experiences out this year, and hell, I'm a die-hard PC gamer. But nothing came close to Journey. I've probably played through it 3-4 times myself, but I've also sat there in a trance as my girlfriend and other friends have played through it.

If it's somewhat subtle, like a white M3 or M5 with M-stripes diagonally across the hood, yes. Or if it's something already crazy like a McLaren MP4-12C or a Zonda-anything then why the hell not.

You know what's brilliant about Infiniti calling every car a Q?

At $500,000 I will rob a bank to pay my way onto this and be one of the first going.

Back when I worked in Kindle (nowadays I work for Amazon Instant Video) it was not unusual for me (and my team) to have upwards of 100 devices listed on some of the shared team accounts (and over 3000 books).