Seattle Dan

Wait, $600,000 for the Juke R? Is that the actual price or a mistype?

What about the part where the $90 billion figure is a complete and utter lie?

Perhaps that's because if George Romney was alive today and said these same things he'd be demonized as an oil-hating enviro-hippie by Tea Party Republicans.

Seeing as I already take the bus to work and downtown all the time because parking and traffic are things I'd rather not deal with, and I already mostly only drive my M3 on weekends, hell yes.

Jealous much?

How can they differentiate between Baking Soda and Cocaine?

The joke is that Pontiac never had a positive image.

I don't blame you. I had my wisdom teeth out a few weeks ago and was laid up for a few days on Vicodin. Most of the time I just didn't feel like playing video games at all.

Most of you screaming about "another feminism article on Kotaku!" won't really care about this post, but for the few of you who haven't walled your minds off completely: this really does apply to the gaming community as a whole.

The hilarious thing about this is that the charges will probably be dropped now because the FBI is going to refuse to share their evidence.

It's from CS Lewis, a Christian novelist and "thinker." While I don't think anyone could call him stupid, he was particularly good at twisting himself in logical knots to support his theology.

Now playing

Oh, great reply, because watching shitty pop-culture TV is the only alternative to watching a show meant for young girls!

My girlfriend works in daycare. With 2 year olds.

I've got to disagree with you here. You're assuming that the majority of gamers watch/invest with Kickstarter (or care about it) or read gaming sites.

"Why? Because Apple is a publicly owned company. That means that Apple has a responsibility to its shareholders, and that responsibility includes making stupid amounts of money for them."

Not only is this article mostly nonsensical, but the study also uses BMI. Worthless. (and I love good high quality chocolate)

I've gotta go with Fish on this one. The majority of modern Japanese games DO suck. Sure, Nintendo is great at making games, but I personally don't even like them: they make solid games but can't innovate their way out of a paper bag.

Maybe that's because religion throughout history is a major cause of large-scale violence?

So it sounds like if you let your Tesla get bricked, your best bet is to commit insurance fraud by getting the car destroyed? Do I have this right?

I actually had a nearly identical problem a while back with another hosting service, They were *awesome* for several years.