
ESPN Reports that Lavar Ball Has Turned Down Seahawks Offensive Coordinator Role. 

DPRK News Headline on Feb 13: “Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un wins Olympic Gold Medals in Bobsled, Slalom, and Biathalon.”

Most disappointing part about this was that no Bills player had the guts to immediately level Gronk when he was in the same position on the ground. They all just pointed and asked the ref to throw a flag. Those are not the guys I want to go to war with.

“Welcome to the the Montreal Impact, Monsieur Evra.” - Sincerely, the MLS

Simple rule fix - Take out a QB on a play you get flagged for, you have to sit out until he comes back.

The Yankees have a different criteria for evaluating “success.” From 2010 thru 2017, the team has spent roughly $1.7 BILLION in salary, and had exactly ZERO World Series appearances. From that standpoint, they need someone new at the helm.

“The new manager will have to figure out quickly what the hell to do with a bunch of players whose skills don’t really seem to compliment each other.”

If you are the typical person/drone who slogs your way into your cubicle every day and has never thought about coming up with your own business, I can see how the WeWork model might reek of privilege and laziness to you. But while you are battling for your 2-4% raise in your review this year, WeWork is a place where

Please be respectful. At Cal they preferred to be called, “Womyn.”

The guy is definitely a jerk. But I’m not sure I’m comfortable that it’s legal to for someone to take any private conversation between two people, and release it to the internet for public display. And more to the point, I’m not sure why unseemly private text messages from a guy 99.9% of readers here have never heard

With a WC berth on the line, I think their effort off the ball will determine if they sink or swim.

Wait, did they call him out because when he broke his ankle, he fell off the base in pain and into a tag?

“Edwin, I know how you feel.” - Joe Theismann

Take TV money out of it. Why can’t players just get a % of the ticket sales and merchandise? A recruit can make his own decision whether he wants to start at West Nowhere State with an attendance of 1,000 a game, or ride the bench at Duke and get 1/12th of the overall % the team gets from the sellout crowd. It doesn’t

Sarah Colonna, wife of Seahawks Punter Jon Ryan, started a company that designs purses specifically designed for NFL stadium dimensions. (Note: I am not affiliated with the company in any way.)

At one point do the TV Networks that just signed up for about $1 Billon per season get involved to try to save their investment?

“I’d freaking dominate that fight.” - Any MLB relief pitcher

The CFL will never become a legitimate football league until it implements a relegation and promotion system.