The persons harmed by this device were all XX women.
The persons harmed by this device were all XX women.
This is written by a vet, who has experience dealing with morbidly obese cats. Don’t waste a cent on dry prescription “weight management” foods:
No free feeding dry food. Feeding a canned only diet will slim her down, and you will avoid other issues like constipation, crystals in her urine, etc. Even inexpensive canned food is a better source if nutrients than dry food. Dry food is convenient for people, but not a natural thing for pets.
Honestly, you are going to have to a) contact your landlord and b) consider moving if no action is taken by the landlord. It’s best to document when these way too f*cken’ loud stereo outbursts are happening (keep a written log with times and dates). Have you spoken to the neighbours who are adjacent to Mr.Stereo…
I think the interview with that person pointed out that tRump was immune to take advice from professionals, as he obviously wasn’t even listening to his tailor’s advice.
One of the tricky things about making clothes that fit properly for women is that there is a much greater range of proportions. There are plus size women with A or B cup breasts, there are slim athletic types with a G cup. A busty woman may be hourglass shaped or with slim hips. And there are women who are a size 8 on…
One thing that I wish was explicitly mentioned in this piece was the ages of these girls.
The pots with hosta were on the back “deck” (aka roof) of the apartment. They were sheltered in a corner so they wouldn’t get too cold or too soggy while they were dormant over the winter(as per internet info). I moved them into a more exposed area when spring came, but the black roof + lots of rain + poor drainage =…
Hosta Question: I took a bunch of the large sized hostas when I moved from the house to an apartment. I read up on container planting, which some had success with. All was well last spring, the hostas started to poke through the soil, then everything stopped. I discovered that I did not have enough drainage in the…
You need a competent realtor familiar with your specific market, the best professional photos you can afford, clean, clean, clean, no clutter in the pics and for showings.
Those people were pregnant girls and women.
Definitely yes to milk crate sitting, kneeling pads, sitting on the ground - whatever you can do. As a weakling with bad knees I scorn the assumed athleticism of macho show off gardeners.
Honestly, I think it is almost useless trying to explain these things to people who are not also this way !
Look up the Center for Menstrual Cycle and Ovulation Research (aka) CEMCOR at the University of British Columbia. They have good science based info on their site. No quackery or buzzwords.
Geez Louise, don’t BUY some cat from a breeder. Consider fostering or adopting a cat in the same age range as your cat - no kittens or oldsters.
Why are women supposed to be patient with, and eventually love monsters, particularly when they are older and rich ? Why is this a tale aimed exclusively at girls and women ?
Oh geez, in 1991 my boyfriend of three years dumped me just as I was graduating with my degree. He moved in with some girl 8 DAYS later. He told me he was getting married with a note slipped through my door while I was at work two months later. Lots of mindfucks going on there.
It looks very Hoarders, back of the fridge.
You’d think his Twitter hand would have some extraordinary overdevelopment though ?
But the cheating on his wife on boats ! The golfing ! Walking to the limo from the building. Those happened outside.