
What about Adam and Yves ?

Yes, and someone can be an intellectual, artist, millionaire, and/or good looking guy that women like - and still be an abuser and/or rapist. This cognitive dissonance is hard for many people to comprehend.

Yes. It’s like she wants to stand with a valiant cause - like being a vegan - but then she’s all PETA’d, with its misogynist advertising and bizarre beliefs about animal shelters (for a few years there, PETA euthanized 98% of the animals that entered THEIR shelters).

Let go or be dragged.

I found a sudden, painful lump in my breast about 15 years ago - about the size of a backyard runty plum. I went to my GP right away, who sent me for ultrasounds, then onto the breast clinic. I was told that I had polycystic breasts, and that the lump was a clearly a cyst that did not need to be biopsied. 10 years

This thread on emotional labour by women in relationships is long but lays it all out. Once it has been seen, it cannot be unseen:

Some of that medium article was good, but the post script where she attempts to say that women commit domestic violence at the same rate as men is crap. Men assault women until the women require hospitalization or the coroner. Men complain about being “abused” when women fail to do things FOR them like housekeeping,

The reason that you should not go to therapy WITH your husband is because abusive partners often use what is disclosed in the vulnerable space of therapy AGAINST their partners at a future date. The things he is complaining AT you about are unreasonable. You are waiting for the outcome of an already iffy test, where

Girl - no, no marriage therapists. Get your OWN therapist, sit down with copies of “Why Does He Do That ?” and “Should I Stay or should I Go ?” both by Lundy Bancroft. Read them both, TWICE. Don’t let him see that you are reading them.

How old are you ? As I got into my late 30's, I noticed that at certain points in my cycle I felt like I had pressure on my bladder and had to pee more frequently. Now in my 40's and I have fibroids that are somewhat minor but in certain postures and at certain times of the month I feel like I feel them more ?

The thing is, it doesn’t sound like an argument. An argument is where two parties have a conflict, and one is pushing for resolution, compromise, etc. and the other is pushing back for a different solution. A fair argument is where both parties are equal, there’s no blaming, and both parties work for a solution that

You are NOT whining. Fuck your husband ! Seriously, his behaviour is so not okay, even if you just had one thing on your plate - pregnancy, dissertation, part time work hassles.

People with NPD are masters of projection. Essentially, whatever Dump is accusing others of, is what he’s been up to.

I think Lorde is intelligent and interesting. The production of this song and video is not, though. I’d like to hear this song stripped down to the bare bones, with no dumb magenta dresses or SUV’s.

Clarification needed : what cis FEMALE people murder trans people ? Because if there is a wave of this I’d sure like to know ?

Women Fear Drug They Used To Halt Puberty Led To Health Problems

Umm, no. The puberty blocker Lupron will render the child permanently sterile as their reproductive organs are also blocked from maturing. As they are not mature they cannot freeze eggs or sperm - not that a minor fully comprehends this. Cross sex hormones will prevent eggs or sperm from developing as well =

You forgot the white goat hair bleached throw thing, and some faux Native American kirsch motif throw pillows in that portrait. Plus there should be fringe somewhere, leather fringe.

The Gift of Fear is pretty good except that the chapter on domestic violence is terrible - very victim blame-y.

The most fucked up thing that women are indoctrinated into believing is that the angry/irrational/abusive man in their life is somehow “hurting” and that to be a good partner(etc.) is to stay to help a person who is actually hurting YOU.