
You’re trans and you haven’t read that 30 year study - one done with excellent record keeping - that followed trans people - both FTM and MTF ? Maybe you should google it. This is not some Freudian dream analysis or theoretical musings, ya jerk.

Caitlyn was furtively dressing up in her female children’s clothing because it gave her a BONER, then decades later told this story like it was an amusing anecdote as opposed to a disgusting and inappropriate boundary violation.

Where does Jenner go where being white, wealthy and famous is ever absent ? Wealthy and famous people pay less wealthy people to do all their trivial tasks for them. Does Jenner even associate with anyone in a different tax/celebrity bracket ? What did this person ever do for trans rights, trans health, trans

Well you better tell that to all the fetishists for whom dressing as a woman, and behaving as a stereotypical woman IS a fetish. And all the late transitioners who furtively cross dressed with sexy boners for decades until they decided to “become their authentic selves” so they could do this 24/7.

FFS - go way back. Way, way, way back. Who was rioting at Stonewall ? Well, well, well - it was butch lesbians, drag queens and few people who may or may not have been TRANS.

That Caitlyn did not give one shit about trans people until it was all about HER. That’s how stunning and brave Jenner is.

Being trans is not a get out of jail card for being a terrible person ! Hormones and surgery cannot correct this.

You are leaving out her SINGING which is where her career began. There is a very early performance of her singing at the gay baths in NYC on You Tube, with her piano player, Barry Manilow. Her performance is raw and stunning. Look it up. Despite not being a conventional beauty, and despite being a woman, she was loved

How much violence has this Jenner faced since coming out as trans ?

Fuck you. Bette Midler has been a MAJOR ally of the gay community for more than 2/3 of her life, including those dark days when her friends, mentors and loved ones were dying from AIDS. This was before all the other alphabet letters got tacked on on the 2000's. Bette Midler was supportive and loving (and loved) by

She’s got loads of dough. Crossdressing was Bruce/Caitlyn’s sexual FETISH that has now been shared with the whole world. Imagine how great it must feel to be a multimillionaire narcissist, to have your fetish validated by being hailed as being “stunning and brave”, appearing on magazine covers in lingerie and not even

See: autogynephelia.

Where was Bruce when Bette Midler was performing at gay bathhouses in the early 1970's ?

Here’s what the IOC has to say about intersex athletes, as well as transgender athletes:

Sadly, your experience is so familiar. These abusive assholes all do the same thing. There are some minor variations - like what they choose to destroy. Having your dissertation destroyed sounds brutal.

I don’t think they have anger issues so much as they have THINKING issues. Anger for them is another useful tool - as most people instinctively back away from an angry person, and tend to take the angry person seriously. There’s no gossip I am aware of, about Depp having rage freakouts on set, or with his band, or

I have both. I would recommend “Character Disturbance” as it is more thorough, and has some good advice about the rules of engagement. His more recent books have not appealed to me, as reviews make it sound like they are heavy on the christian morality end of things, which is not my thing.

Here, feel sorry for the sorriest victim there ever was, Luther from the 1970's film ‘the Warriors’. He and my ex have a LOT in common.

Beattie has no formal education whatsoever. No degree in social work, psychology, psychiatry, sociology or human behavior. None. She was an alcoholic who sobered up at a particular facility, who went on to become a peer counsellor there. Then she wrote a book, using borrowed concepts.

Because he was the REAL victim, silly !