Whoa - that is all majorMAJOR stuff. Holy cow about the thyroid and everything else.
Whoa - that is all majorMAJOR stuff. Holy cow about the thyroid and everything else.
In the home I grew up in, my father NEVER yelled or swore at my mother. However, he was definitely a mild to medium narcissist and did whatever he wanted, including affairs. There was not a lot of thought paid to the girl children being as valuable as my asshole brother. My mother is a very strange person - I don’t…
It makes me so angry about the things women are never taught, unless they seek it out to learn. Women aren’t taught how to lift anything except children and groceries, women are not taught about the dynamics of abuse(it seems to take several years of awfulness before women can even name what is happening in their…
Bad, clueless therapists are a whole other awful topic. The therapist you describe sounds beyond horrible.
Well, if you spoke with my ex he would have a spectacular yarn to tell you about how he “suffered” due to my actions and that he was the real victim.
My ex told some whoppers about me in his first affadavit. to the court. He claimed I caused close to hundred thousand dollars worth of damage to the mutually owned home (actually all this was work he started and ABANDONED), tried to paint me as a hoarder, animal hoarder and gold digger. He claimed he left “with only…
The last I heard my ex is NOT dead, so it’s not the same guy.
Do you live in a major city in Canada ? I don’t doubt that my ex will continue to abuse via all means possible any poor woman who crosses his path. He’s a charming, charismatic sociopath in a “cool” profession. All the extreme yoga, nouveau vegetarianism and fancy custom bicycle riding cannot cancel out his misogyny…
Go away Team Depp, troll.
Yes, half the internet know this AFTER the fact and that Amber was allegedly late. WHY does half the internet know this ? Ask Depp’s lawyers.
Right - no one would date that guy if he acted like that on the first date. You’d call 911 as you ran away !
My ex definitely used his lawyers like puppets to attempt to intimidate and threaten. He went through three lawyers in six months. Someone was firing someone, but I will never know who.
I think she is allegedly not showing up on time due to confusing and contradictory instructions from Depp’s legal team, in a further effort to smear her as uncooperative.
I too had all the symptoms you are describing. I also stopped eating wheat products. This seemed to help . During this time I also went through a scary cancer scare (Endometrial cancer) - completely unrelated to my new diet. I started taking oral progesterone to treat this. My agonizing bloating symptoms were gone. I…
Dick Hopper is where I’m at.
Please follow the link I posted. The ugly truth is that you are more likely to be sexually assaulted within the BDSM community than outside it, where this risk is already super high.
Girl be careful out there. There are plenty of misogynist dudes in that scene (as are everywhere, sigh). This is especially important if you are exploring your submissive side. A huge amount of lip service is paid to safesaneconsentual - but sadly this is a useful MASQUERADE for many creeps within that scene.
As long as that ultimatum is for immediate change, and that boundary is rock solid. No second changes or baloney forgiveness for this dude.
Please, buy yourself a copy of “Why Does He Do that ?” by Lundy Bancroft instead, and save the rest of what you would spend on any therapy sessions. No therapist can fix this.
No - tell him today that this shit must end NOW - no hanging in limbo for another year.