
Agreed. I’ll vote for her in the general cus I’m not a moron, but I have not been happy with her leadership these last two years and if I can comfortable vote against her in a primary I sure will. I’ll vote for Newsome in the general too, but I can’t stand that slime ball so I voted against him in the primary as well.

100%. I think Kamala Harris put the final nail in that coffin. Now Californians know what new blood sounds like and looks like and feels like. I’ll most likely vote for anyone who is left of her in a primary. Especially since (fingers crossed, wood knocked, hokey pokey done backwards and forwards) Kamala will be

Depends who they get to indict next. Muller is working his way slowly but surely up the ladder from little fish to bigger and bigger. We are just now starting to see some of the medium sized ones he can haul in. Just wait till he starts hunting whale!

No one who went to Georgetown Prep should be given this type of office. If you grew up that rich I don’t believe you have empathy or a conscience. Definitely believe this incident happened and it probably wasn’t the only one. Don’t @ me rich DC kids.

Sorry for going off-topic but Paul Manafort has plead guilty to avoid his second trial and will be cooperating with the Mueller investigation as part of his plea deal

3 wives, presumably dozens of mistresses, and Ted Cruz.

I know that speech by heart, down to the cadences Dixie Carter performed into it. I loved Designing Women.

I hated Downton Abbey because it was a bunch of rich white people desperately trying to hold onto their wealth without wanting to do anything to change their circumstances, but we were supposed to root for them because they were “nice” to their servants because the servants got one day off a year and this was supposed

I’m betting that these are only the top 12 of the iceberg. Predators like this operate unchallenged for so long they just assume it's their right to keep taking. See also: Cosby, Weinstein

Little surprises me anymore but, yeah, his continued existence is surprising. I was positive someone would have killed him by now.

Beyonce and Jay have the resources to have someone take this dude out, burn the body and no one would EVER KNOW (or care) what happened to him.

I think, at this point, with it already popularized as a prank to supposedly cause diarrhea, its worth it to inform teens and others that it does not in fact do this, and that the consequences are instead much, much worse. I know it could be argued that it’d be giving people info on how to kill someone (though the fact

I don’t understand this mindset at all. He’s cheating? He’s a big jerk? Divorce him and take him for all he’s worth! Aside from the immorality of murder, why would you risk being jailed or executed? Okay, you hate him - you can hate him safely from afar and enjoy gouging him for all the alimony you can get. People are

Yes! Boggles my mind that idiots can call themselves fiscal conservatives, yet vote to gut sex ed, reproductive freedom (which along with funding quality early childhood education, yield the most saving “bang” for taxpayers’ buck). It is completely illogical. They should fess up and admit this is all about keeping

I refuse to bring this bastard out the grays, but I certainly have a response. FUCK YOU.

I spoke with my Mom about this Kavanaugh crap and it’s one of the few times I’ve seen her really get upset. Turns out her college roommate died from a botched abortion before Roe v. Wade after she was date raped. She told me that I had no idea how things used to be back then. I’m glad that I grew up never having those

Easy access to birth control can happen if Trump and flunkies don’t get rid of all of the Planned Parenthood Centers. Morons.

I feed my chickens dried mealworms, and they smell quite a bit like sesame oil. On occasion, when I’ve been hungry and scooping them out for the birds, the smell has made my stomach growl.  I guess it’s like those people who are unhappily attracted to Sarah Palin, only not as bad.