
As dreadful as Hannity is on his cable show his radio show is so much worse.

Wait. I thought method acting was just an excuse to act like a raging, belligerent asshole to all your costars and film crew and to beg for everyone else to think you’re so deep and edgy, especially during awards season.

Now playing

Can’t even READ the words “Mary Queen of Scots” without thinking of this and giggling.

The memorial signpost for Emmet Till, the black teenager killed in 1955 after he was wrongly accused of whistling at a white woman, has been shot again—35 days after the sign was replaced because vandals shot it.

All my first Bowie albums were actual records too!

Michelle Williams’ statement made me a bit teary. She sounds like a lovely person. And the things she said are very wise. They touched this cynical single person’s heart.

Second-rate con-man, double-digit IQ (pushing 70 at BEST), stupid, failed “businessman” who ruined every business he ever tried to run (including a casino that didn’t have enough earnings to stay open), clearly has a tiny addled mind to match his tiny penis and let’s take bets he’s missing a testicle or one is gimpy,

Hey, I have a suggestion, change your name to Uncle Tom Ruckus Clarence Thomas. Then you really would be a black conservative. Hopefully, you not out here conserving yourself. 

The beauty of America is that we all don’t have to live in the same America. Yet no matter how comfortable our version of America seems to be, we can’t escape the fact that it was all built over an Indian burial ground that was turned into a white trash landfill. This is the trash President this country deserves.

Something I wrote right after learning that Justine had been killed:

Usually I don’t like mean comments, but this one was so funny and so accurate, I had to star you. Keep on sick burning.  

My favorite part of “Steel Magnolias” - I film I ADORE, is when Shelby eats it.

Roberts has always been an over rated sack of shit who never learned to act, and Mr. Ed did that signature move of the tossed back head laugh much better than she did.

In June 2018, I was startled to find that my sweet mother absolutely hates and despises Julia Roberts. This woman is someone who will find a nice thing to say about something/one she doesn’t like in case someone she’s talking to does like that thing/person.

No matter the time period, Julia Roberts has always managed to find a lower bottom than wherever the current culture is sitting. I guess that’s a talent, too. 

Ugh. I wish she would just go away. (Although I did love her in Mirror, Mirror)