
A 65% was not a 2:1 at my Uni, or at any that I know of.

I did find Laura Dodsworths's project interesting and valuable.

Isn't this sort of like ageism. I meant it's cute but I feel like if you interviewed a bunch of insulated 20-somethings they'd say silly things too and a bunch of hippy 60 year-olds would be quite open-minded about it.

I was hoping this would be about the mermaid Sirena. But then I realised that is only a Guam thing.

What incredibly strong, amazing people these kids are.

Maybe they should think about why, even with so much 'faith' in the OKC system, they need to have their own screening process.

Fairytales were originally a household activity, which would have meant a larger and more age-diverse family unit then many are often familiar with today. Not just mom, dad and kids, but extended family, grandparents, unmarried aunts and uncles, probably. The stories were only shared by oral tradition and had to

Sometimes I wonder how much of an effect watching these has had on my romantic inclinations. I think, probably at least somewhat in my teenage years. But after that, and life happening, not much at all.

Science 101? Oh yeah, I learned how to extract mitochondrial DNA from semen in freshman year.

Yeah, pretty narrow. They didn't have a dark enough eye colour for me either. Maybe that's why they thought yellow and grey would look great on me, I actually look terrible in those colours.

Oh wow, my middle school did this, with sweatpants and (if I remember correctly) a bright orange XXL t-shirt. It didn't have anything humiliating printed on it though. I probably wore a hoodie and jeans almost every day throughout those awkward years so never had the honor of wearing it, but I remember kids saying it

I just took it anyway. Obviously it wasn't very helpful though.

I am not a male but I did it because found the idea intriguing. I have too many clothes and would rather just have a small collection of quality things. Rather than my massive pile of mostly cheap/kind of vintage/secondhand clothes. It's difficult because I hate spending money, and I like experimenting with clothes.

Oh my God, I think the same thing. I was about to comment about .gif not being peanut butter. It actually annoys the hell out of me when people pronounce it the 'right' way. It's just like, shut up, so you read the wikipedia page on .gifs, this does not make you better than everyone.

This is adorable. Now I really miss my weird old Dad.

I met this guy the other night who met her in person. Apparently she was really rude. Suspicions, confirmed. The world is as it should be.

I also got wombat. I wonder if wombats have square anusses.

So, I feel like this joke is more about eating disorders than dead celebrities. And I really wonder why you even had to share it.

Thanks for posting. I find her more and more interesting. I remember watching a video like this of her a few years ago, and just being blown away. Lady was before her time.

I actually find it really difficult to look at these screenshots. I lost a significant portion of my childhood to The Sims 1 and 2. I tend to bring this up casually, and laugh about it. But from age 11 through 14 this was my heroin.