
'Torture, betrayal and forbidden love resound in 16th century Beverly Hills for a refugee and a communist.'

And it probably also suggests that AP Computer Science classes aren't available to them in the first place. I went to a school where there was only 1 AP class. There was no Computer Science class in the first place. I don't think the school even had working computers.

What!? Of course people recognise Anakin Skywalker!

Nooo stop...I miss my dog way too much right now!

2% milk isn't fatty. I think the point is, it definitely depends on the person. I can see how if someone was at risk for/ had high cholesterol, they should monitor their dairy intake. For me it was beneficial.

I really hope so. One Swiss cheese pervert is more than enough.

The only 'source' the first article gives is this very reputable e-book website: The second link is also schilling an ebook, and the article is taking the research out of context. The third link I've read before. And it does not say that milk is not good for you. It says that milk

No, if her bmi is below 17.5, than she is diagnosed anorexic purging type, not bulimic.

Why do you say other sources are better? Maybe for those who are lactose intolerant or choose to be vegan. But most of what I have read says that dairy is the most convenient way to get calcium. Of course you can get it from other sources. But milk contains vitamin D, just as important for bone health, as it helps

It reminds me of Belle's gown, in Beauty & the Beast.

Nope. As with any type of food, moderation is key. But there's no reason to be afraid of dairy. Women especially need the calcium, to prevent osteoporosis.

Hi, you seem cool.

I think the profile comes across as sarcastic. She just sounds like she has a CRAAAZYyY sense of humour, I don't think the guys messaging her thought any of it was genuine.

My little brother used to think deodorizing profusely was synonymous with showering. No time to shower? Just envelope self in a smoggy cloud of Axe. All sweaty and smelly after working out? Axe.

I think it's about quality of life. The bullying about her appearance was so bad she found it difficult to leave her home. I suppose an alternative treatment would have been therapy. Much less extreme, but it would probably take a very long time. she'd just keep missing out on childhood, and maybe it wouldn't help

AAAHH, quick, someone crop and edit this photo before we are all BLINDED by the horrendous monstrosity!

How would you know?

Does anyone have Reynaud's? I do, and this entire thing gives me nightmares. I think my fingers would fall off.

That tumblr is like my porn.

I'm pretty sure it's mostly genetic. I never had a cavity until I was 23. And I am not a dental hygiene fanatic, in fact I am hooked on diet coke.