
I’ve watched the hearings and here is what I expect:

Again, if your complaint about Biden pledging to nominate a black woman is that your concern is that it goes to the most qualified person, you’re saying no black woman has ever been qualified. So... *checks notes* Go fuck yourself you racist piece of shit.

ALL prisons in the US are inhumane. Period.

That concert movie he did back in the early 90s where he spent 20 fucking minutes talking about [the women HE knows] needing to wash their asses but extrapolating it to all Black women and sending that shit around the globe! I’ve followed comedians for years and have never heard any other ethnic group disrespect their

Yeah, I’ve overheard this kind of talk in whispers and ‘innocently-asked’ questions for decades. I simply remind them of the sheer joy with which THEY loudly announce to the world:

I haven’t logged onto The Root in a few weeks, with most of the best writers.... ummmmm..... gone. And then I finally do and THIS IS WHAT I READ????

Trumpism is a fake religion created by and devoted to a psychopath.

Per the report from Texas Monthly, the principal of Woodsboro released a statement, claiming that because the incident did not occur on their campus, he could not do anything to discipline the students involved.

Or, he could not want the nature of his injuries to be publicly known at this point in time. Seeing as how initial court filings are publicly accessible. 

On the use of force, what happened to just jumping the dude to stop the car? One cop grabs the wheel and/or hands while the other grabs the head or upper arms? Why go to extreme debilitating force as the first course? Because THAT is the training she got officially. Then the cops who mentored her played up that as a

“...taser use has become so standard among cops even though tasers can and -do- kill people every year that she didn’t think twice when drawing and <in this case it cost a life>...”

Whites always think it’s their duty to monitor Black people for stealing. Meanwhile, the white manager is embezzling money with every register drop. The white longhair is selling boxes of food out the back door and nerdy Becca is stealing waitress tips. Jedidiah can’t read the print on the receipts, brazenly refuses

Absolutely. They are telling white people that should they act on the side of justice for Black people that they will basically blacken them up and declare open season on them.

It’s also telling other white people “You defend black people and you’re as good as dead.” It’s a tactic to keep people from allying with others.

Damnit, you’re the main reason to come here.

My heart dropped when I saw ‘Deuces’ & positively broke when I saw the byline. We’ll miss you, Michael, but I know there are even greater things in your writing future. You did only good here.


this huuuuuurts. oh my god. nooooooooooo.

Noooo NOOOOO NOOOOOO!! I know you’re a baller and a poet, a writer and destined for greatness (while being off the market & married to a doctor!) but I can’t handle change right now! So stop, call it off, come back and keep The Root’s continuity! I haven’t even read your post but I’m upset now for the rest of the