searching with my good eye closed

"and Chris Cornell now is more famous for trying to join someone else's band" You kidding right? Also, fun fact: Nirvana decided to record their first record Bleach with indie company Sub Pop, so that they could be Soundgarden's peers on the same record company.

Those wheels and that top view....WOW

PS3 already does, but it's an expensive upgrade.

Hey, it's a hard task but somebody has to do it.

Press PS and start button simultaneously to take a screenshot.

I was waiting for a screamer right before the deer appeared. Disappoint.

Yep, my mom makes an avocado salad that includes onions and lots of lime. God damn, I'm hungry now.

Hey, hot actresses are damn HOT. Telemundo rocks on that matter and they have actresses from all over Latin America, specially Colombians.

Try putting some sugar on it. Delicious.

I hear you. Or boomerang, too.

Well, quality is higher using tape a talk in my thunderbolt running CM7. Voice recorder recordings sound crappy compare to it.

Now playing

Something tells me you're not gonna like this song at all.

Man, you had me drooling with your story. I wish I had the honor to sit in one of those beast and hear its roar first hand. Thanks for sharing those pics.

Great read and that explains a lot why the rest of the countries are doing bad economically except for China. Thanks.

Hmmm...the original Xbox would like to have its title back for First Console to Allow Personal Music Being Played While Playing Games

Hmmm....I think you can still buy the 360 for 299 without Kinect. Also I think the boost came from the 199 sale that included 4GB 360 and Kinect. That was such an awesome sale, only wish I wasn't broke at the time.

Your wish was granted.

Yo kidin' right

A challenger appears.

Hmmm, my only complain would be the L button. The gap between the stick and L is too small, and the system being so thin, so I don't know how comfortable that would be to hold, or how my index finger is going to rest on the device.