searching with my good eye closed

Well, just today at about 2 pm I was driving on a two lane road with a speed limit of 45. there were two cars in front of me. the line was moving at 40. The guy in front of me was tail gating the car in front of him. I was trying to keep my distance because they were accelerating and decelerating. Anyways, the car

For comparison:

Also would like to add a new contender I didn't see, eve after going through the whole post. I present to you Dome Zero

I absolutely love the rear of this car. Being a computer geek as a I am, the rear always reminds me of a custom built PC

Finally someone that understands. Sometimes I complain when I see people in front of me breaking for no apparent reason. My father told me to have precaution behind the wheel, but that does not mean I am gonna hit the breaks when there is gap of half a mile between my car and the car in front of me. What do I do when

Hehehehe, I would totally buy a PS4 to see that happening. I could be funny indeed. I would still support the 720, too.

Beyond Good and Evil, perhaps? Yeah, pretty much true what you said. But if Sony was smart, it would totally use Google's popularity for it's advantage. I mean google has become a verb on its own. I hear people saying "google [insert subject]" or "just google it" all the time. If I were Sony, I would leave it as

What a great looking set of rims.

Hahahaha, you just game me an idea. What if Sony partners with Google to do something similar in their PS3 or their next console? Similar in the sense of saying bing what you want, and that you could get it through search. That would be some awesome cat fight right there.

Part of streaming a game is having a stream, but when the stream disappears then no gaming for a while. Also, data caps could be reach faster if streaming is a requirement for a game. Speed is very important when streaming content, OnLive recommends 5MB/s, and some people simply don't get those speeds from their

My only question, do you play any sequels at all? If yes, then your point is mute.

Maradona was (and arguably is) the best soccer player that has ever existed. Still, he was a drug addict and has a pedant personality. Nop, I don't want to live the life of a douchebag.

Funny how that guy gets scared (@ 1:22) by the RAWAWWWRRRR of the Zonda.

Dude, can you give me a tutorial of how to do that? I have a Thunderbolt running CM7 on it. Thanks in advance.

You, my good friend, can see the light. Not, that the 360 is a bad system but I still like my PS3 BC so much more (also Heavy Rain).

Mmmmm, I think I am in front of a fanboy but I will point some stuff that I think you got wrong. First of all, because samsung is an asian company and is well received worldwide, doesn't mean japanese people appreciate it. After all samsung is a south korean company and everybody knows how japaneses feel about south

Um, well very good points and mostly true. Only correction I could make is that the PS2 was also hard to program in the early years of its life cycle. Difference is that developers 10 years ago might have been more passionate and less bitchy about programming for a console that is hard to program for. Also, Sony

Came here you to post the same thing.

Is that for realz? If yes, can you provide the youtube link please?

I don't know if true. I mean UC3 just came out 3 weeks ago and I could get it half priced at best buy. Try finding that deal for a new game any day prior black friday.