searching with my good eye closed

Hello Alan. I would like to know if Google Voice or the other 2 alternative that you mention can also receive messages for free. I'm not a big texter but my wife sends me text all the time. I own a smartphone and she owns a dumbphone. We both have "unlimited" SMS plan but I could ditch mine using those apps. Write me

Yes, that's why your point is as mute as mine. I don't know her and I don't even want to know him but, at least, I am not calling anyone spoiled (except when I called spoiled commenter, of course, and I would like to apologize). Anyways, and according to what's been reported, she suffers some kind of disability and if

So you know her personally? Right? Yeah, just what I thought, another spoiled commenter.

Well, EDGE bro, I wanted to say that, contrary to what everybody else think, I get your used car vs. used game analogy. Only that instead of the tires you should have used something that is more like an add-on.

This is the first thought that I had when I saw that car. Project Satan.

Now playing

So this is what you think about Japanese people, here you go then...

Capitan Tsubasa...on NES. Enough said.

There is also another method to go into logs if you don't have an skype account. First go into your settings tab, tap on device info. On the top left there is a device info tab. Tap that and hit custom application. In the box that pops up, type ##logs# and you'll be able to properly turn logging off

Make that two of us. I always wonder how comfortable it might have been.

Now playing

Or what about some music by Screaming Trees?

And that's why they are know...because there are laws against it. So could you explain why they are idiots?

I endorse this message. Really, that's a great argument. +1

Hahahahahaha very clever. +1

Yes, probably, I should man up and finish those two. Any tips to beat the boss on ACT 3. Also I did finish LBP, but for some reason I haven't played much of LBP2. By the way, I spoiled myself by watching the entire GOW3 campaign over youtube (yes I shouldn't have) because I didn't have the cash to buy it when it came

I have to say I am part of the ten percent. I only own a PS3 and have a bunch of games that I have to finish. My list of unfinished games and where I stop: GT5 (got stuck on level 15), GTA4 (killed the guy that X told me and then he stopped being my friend), RDR (Still roaming around Mexico), MGS4 (boss fight ACT 3),

This things is one of the funniest images I've seen in a while. Thank you sir/madam.

Ahahahahahahahahaha I love that show.

Well, they have some news on that. About Sony using Samsung internal, doesn't most flash memory come from Samsung? I don't see Japanese not buying it. They need it right. Did Japanese never buy any single iPod? I don't think so. Maybe you should tell them that Samsung is inside it, too. I have to agree though, a