Read what I wrote, dumbass.
Read what I wrote, dumbass.
Go fuck yourself, asshole.
My point is that I would like to find a reliable, definitive number. Polls done by the pros, by Gallup and others and see if the numbers match. Have the questions be worded the same across the polls. If we do that, and the result is 20 percent, or higher, and who knows, maybe it is higher, THEN that…
What I said is that number seems high. It just does. Twenty percent of women are the silent victims of a major violent crime on a college campus? OK, maybe nobody talks about it and it's wildly underreported. But are we talking about rape or sexual assault? Big difference. The terms shouldn't be used interchangeably.…
Fuck you for taking what I said out of context. Read the whole sentence. Dumbass.
So, if I said 99 percent of all women are raped weekly, we shouldn't question that. Statistics matter, sorry.
Rape is a serious issue, and a real problem, especially with jock and frat culture. But I'm skeptical of the 20 percent number. It doesn't seem plausible. I'd like to see the exact surveys that come up with this number and the exact wording of the survey questions.
What the DC area lacks that NYC has is something comparable to LIRR, NJ Transit trains and buses and MetroNorth. MARC is a joke and DC Metro doesn't extend nearly far enough to make a dent in traffic on 270, 66, 95 and other commuter routes. Bring Metro to Frederick and Baltimore, run more MARC trains at better prices…
Thank you. It was a just a little outside my demographic, but, yeah, when you're a dad, sometimes you gotta take one for the team. Do you even want to know how much time I've spent in American Girl stores? Honestly, though, it's a privilege, it really is.
I took my 12-year-old and her friend to see this today. Only three guys (I'm her dad) in the theatre other than me. And, oh my God, was this a cry-fest. From halfway through the movie to much of the car ride home, the tears were flowing. My daughter said it's by far the saddest movie she's ever seen and it will change…
It's a work of fiction. By definition it's fake, forced and contrived. Narrative arcs, character development, conflict, climax, denouement. It's pretty standard in every work of fiction ever.
I'm a father and I'm very worried about how my daughter will make her way through high school, college and young adulthood. We'll just teach her survival skills, self-defense and just the right amount of paranoia not be be crazy. You should know, though, that a lot of men, me included don't find the world very safe…
Yeah, like saving the economy and ending two wars, getting millions of on health care roles, preventing health insurance companies from fucking people over as much, getting millions back, yeah, that all sucks. We need a Republican.
And in reality, those brown parents choose their brown babies in or next to terrorist camps, because they are married to terrorists. You know, the people who would kill you and your children no matter what color they are. Terrorists have no human value, no. If you live in a terrorist camp you're going to be killed.…
And then you woke up.
Newton didn't discover gravity. The first caveman to have a boulder fall on his head discovered gravity.
But that makes everything else about him a fraud. He's a complete dumbass. You can't have have one horribly stupid belief and be on track with everything else and still be considered intelligent. You have to show him that he's wrong. This would literally be a deal breaker in a friendship I had with anyone.
It's the entire NFL. No one team is any better than another. They're all atrocious at handling stuff like this.
The NFL is a true nightmare when it comes to anything involving human beings. They are great with money, though. People? Not so much.
He's presumed innocent by the court. But he's not presumed by anyone else. That's why he'll never leave prison alive. He killed at least three people. I'm presuming him guilty as fuck.