Yes and no. The floor liners were a disaster. (First gen.)
Yes and no. The floor liners were a disaster. (First gen.)
Save the sidewalls.
Give it a Squareback-like long roof and hatch and it would be awesome.
100%. I’d love to convert a used Element, but you can’t get one in the Northeast cheap.
Oh, barely legible clock face takes up only a small fraction of the available area.
Why isn’t the ID3 available in the US?
Totally low risk.
Big wheels and low-profile tires is always the correct answer. Next to nobody gets a noticeable performance benefit on public roads and the ride deterioration is nasty.
Hatchbacks are not the ideal car. Probably explains why you overlooked the MB E-class wagon. The very definition of pretty, at least before the silly All-Terrain treatment.
The new Targa is everything that is wrong with Porsche.
Think of this, instead, as a removal battery pack that would allow more efficient, higher performing EVs. Most times, you don’t need the extra 50, 100, 200 lbs of battery that gets you 200+ mile range. But, you pay for that weight every day that you drive the 20, 30, 50 miles of your daily commute. If you could unload…
Honda should revive the Element as an EV. Perfect for a cheap, medium-range round-towner.
Contrary take: tall wagons are not crossover precursors. Yes, high roof, but low floor.
The Mazda 5 was perfect for our family of four.
A bicycle.
Drivers who pass or try to pass when you’ve stopped to let someone on foot cross the street.
Miura. Fake.